Publications |
6333.0 - Characteristics of Employment Questionnaire (Sample only) |
Data Cubes |
1 EMPLOYEES AND OWNER MANAGERS OF INCORPORATED ENTERPRISES (OMIES) IN MAIN JOB: Full-time or part-time status in main job–Timeseries |
2 EMPLOYEES AND OWNER MANAGERS OF INCORPORATED ENTERPRISES (OMIES) IN MAIN JOB: Mean weekly earnings in all jobs–By full-time or part-time status in all jobs–Timeseries |
3 EMPLOYED PERSONS: Status of employment in main job—Timeseries |
Released 22/05/2017 |
4 EMPLOYED PERSONS: Selected characteristics–By full-time or part-time status in main job |
5 EMPLOYED PERSONS: Selected main job characteristics–By full-time or part-time status in main job |
6 EMPLOYED PERSONS: Selected characteristics–By status of employment in main job |
7 EMPLOYED PERSONS: Selected employment characteristics–By status of employment in main job |
8 EMPLOYED PERSONS: Industry and occupation of main job–By level of highest non-school qualification |
9 EMPLOYEES AND OWNER MANAGERS OF INCORPORATED ENTERPRISES (OMIES) IN MAIN JOB: Hours usually worked and weekly earnings in all jobs–By full-time or part-time status in all jobs |
10 EMPLOYEES AND OWNER MANAGERS OF INCORPORATED ENTERPRISES (OMIES) IN MAIN JOB: Mean weekly earnings in main job–Selected characteristics–By full-time or part-time status in main job |
11 EMPLOYEES AND OWNER MANAGERS OF INCORPORATED ENTERPRISES (OMIES) IN MAIN JOB: Weekly earnings in main job–By occupation and sector of main job |
12 EMPLOYEES AND OWNER MANAGERS OF INCORPORATED ENTERPRISES (OMIES) IN MAIN JOB: Weekly earnings in main job–By industry of main job |
13 EMPLOYEES AND OWNER MANAGERS OF INCORPORATED ENTERPRISES (OMIES) IN MAIN JOB: Weekly earnings in main job–By level of highest non-school qualification |
14 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS: Selected characteristics–By full-time or part-time status in main job |
15 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS: Selected main job characteristics-By full-time or part-time status in main job  |
Released 29/05/2018 |
16 EMPLOYEES AND OWNER MANAGERS OF INCORPORATED ENTERPRISES (OMIES) IN MAIN JOB: Selected personal and employment characteristics – By trade union membership in main job - August 2011 to August 2016 |
17 EMPLOYED PERSONS: Selected characteristics–By full-time or part-time status and duration (length) of current trade union membership - by sex |
18 EMPLOYED PERSONS: Selected main job characteristics–By full-time or part-time status and duration (length) of current trade union membership - by sex
19 EMPLOYED PERSONS: Weekly earnings in main job–By full-time or part-time status and duration (length) of current trade union membership - by sex |
20 PERSONS WHO FOUND THEIR JOB THROUGH A LABOUR HIRE FIRM/EMPLOYMENT AGENCY: Selected characteristics–By full-time or part-time status in main job–By sex |
21 PERSONS WHO FOUND THEIR JOB THROUGH A LABOUR HIRE FIRM/EMPLOYMENT AGENCY: Selected main job characteristics–By full-time or part-time status in main job–By sex |
22 PERSONS WHO FOUND THEIR JOB THROUGH A LABOUR HIRE FIRM/EMPLOYMENT AGENCY: Weekly earnings in main job–By full-time or part-time status in main job–By sex |
23 POPULATIONS: State or territory of usual residence—By sex |
24 POPULATIONS: Mean weekly earnings in main job—By state or territory of usual residence—By sex |
COE 2016 Populations and Data items list |