Time Series Spreadsheets |
Table 01. Labour force status by Social marital status, Age and Sex |
Table 02. Labour force status by State, Capital city / Balance of state and Sex |
Table 03a. Labour force status for 15-24 year olds by Educational attendance, Age and Sex |
Table 03b. Labour force status for 15-19 year olds by Educational attendance, Age and Sex |
Table 03c. Labour force status for 20-24 year olds by Educational attendance, Age and Sex |
Table 08. Employed persons by Status in employment and Sex |
Table 09. Employed persons and Actual hours worked by Sex |
Table 10. Employed persons and Usual hours worked by Sex |
Table 14A. Unemployed persons by Duration of unemployment and Sex |
Table 14B. Unemployed persons by Duration of unemployment and Sex - Trend, Seasonally adjusted, Original |
Table 15A. Unemployed persons by Duration of unemployment since last full-time job and Sex |
Table 15B. Unemployed persons by Duration of unemployment since last full-time job and Sex - Trend, Seasonally adjusted and Original |
Table 16. Labour force status by Region (SA4) and Sex  |
All time series spreadsheets |
Data Cubes |
LM1 - Labour force status by Age, Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (ASGS), Marital status and Sex, February 1978 onwards |
LM2 - Labour force status by Age (detailed), Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (ASGS) and Sex, February 1978 onwards |
LM3 - Labour force status by Age (15-24), Educational Attendance, Year left school and Sex, April 1986 onwards |
LM4 - Labour force status by Country of birth (SACC major groups), Year of arrival, State and Territory and Sex, July 1991 onwards |
LM5 - Labour force status by Country of birth (SACC major groups), Age, State and Territory and Sex, July 1991 onwards |
LM6 - Labour force status by Country of birth (SACC detailed), State and Territory and Sex, April 2001 onwards |
LM7 - Labour force status by Main English speaking countries, Year of arrival, State and Territory and Sex, February 1978 onwards |
LM8 - Labour force status by Age (detailed), State and Territory, Marital status and Sex, February 1978 onwards |
EM1 - Employed persons by Actual hours worked, State and Territory, Age and Sex, February 1978 onwards |
EM2 - Employed full-time persons who worked less than 35 hours by Age, State and Territory, Sex and Reason worked less than 35 hours, February 1978 onwards |
EM3 - Employed persons by Usual hours worked, State and Territory, Age and Sex, April 2001 onwards |
EM4 - Employed persons by Hours worked in main job, State and Territory, Age and Sex, April 2001 onwards |
UM1 - Unemployed persons by State and Territory, Age, Sex and Duration of unemployment since last full-time job, February 1978 onwards |
UM2 - Unemployed persons by State and Territory, Sex and Duration of job search (detailed), April 2001 onwards |
UM3 - Unemployed persons by State and Territory, Age, Sex and Duration of job search, April 2001 onwards |
FM1 - Labour force status by State and Territory, Sex and Relationship in household, April 2001 onwards |
FM2 - Labour force status by Sex, Age and Relationship in household, April 2001 onwards |
FM3 - Employed persons by Sex, Actual hours worked and Relationship in household, April 2001 onwards |
FM4 - Unemployed persons by Sex, Duration of job search and Relationship in household, April 2001 onwards |
NM1 - Persons Not in the labour force by Sex, State and Territory, Age and Reason not in the labour force, April 2001 onwards |
RM1 - Labour force status by Region (ASGS SA4), Sex and Age, October 1998 onwards  |
RM2 - Unemployed persons by Region (ASGS SA4) and Duration of unemployment since last full-time job, October 1998 onwards  |
RM3 - Unemployed persons by Region (ASGS SA4) and Duration of job search, April 2001 onwards  |
All monthly datacubes |