Publications |
5655.0 - Managed Funds, Australia |
Time Series Spreadsheets |
TABLE 1. MANAGED FUNDS, Consolidated assets, Amounts outstanding at end of period |
TABLE 2. LIFE INSURANCE OFFICES, Unconsolidated assets |
TABLE 3. SUPERANNUATION FUNDS, Unconsolidated assets |
TABLE 4. PUBLIC UNIT TRUSTS, Unconsolidated assets |
TABLE 5. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, Unconsolidated assets and Liabilities |
Released 02/03/2010 |
TABLE 6. COMMON FUNDS, Unconsolidated assets |
TABLE 7. CASH MANAGEMENT TRUSTS, Unconsolidated assets |
TABLE 9. PUBLIC UNIT TRUSTS, Total assets by type of trust, Total assets by type of asset, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
TABLE 10. LISTED PROPERTY TRUSTS, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
TABLE 11. LISTED EQUITY TRUSTS, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
TABLE 12. LISTED MORTGAGE TRUSTS, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
TABLE 13. UNLISTED PROPERTY TRUSTS, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
TABLE 14. UNLISTED EQUITY TRUSTS, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
TABLE 15. UNLISTED MORTGAGE TRUSTS, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
TABLE 16. UNLISTED OTHER TRUSTS, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
TABLE 17. CASH COMMON FUNDS, Assets, Liabilities, Deposits and withdrawals, Maturity dissection of assets |
TABLE 18. NON-CASH COMMON FUNDS, Assets, Liabilities, Deposits and withdrawals |
TABLE 19. CASH MANAGEMENT TRUSTS, Number of trusts, Financial operations and yields, Liabilities, Assets-detailed components, Maturity dissection of assets |