4609.4.55.001 - Map 1 - Land value grid for 2006 |
Released 06/04/2016 |
4609.4.55.001 - Map 2 - Land value grid for 2011 |
Released 06/04/2016 |
4609.4.55.001 - Map 3 - Opening stock 2006 of Residential land use in dollars ($) per hectare (ha) |
4609.4.55.001 - Map 4 - Closing stock 2011 of Residential land use in dollars ($) per hectare (ha) |
4609.4.55.001 - Map 5 - Net change in rateable value of land used for Extractive Industry and Infrastructure/Utilities between 2006 to 2011 |
4609.4.55.001 - Map 6 - Net change in area of land used for National Parks, Conservation Areas, Forest Reserves and Natural Water Reserves between 2006 to 2011 |
4609.4.55.001 - Map 7 - Physical change in Wetlands land cover between 2005-06 and 2010-11 |
4609.4.55.001 - Map 8 - Physical change in Rainfed Pasture land cover between 2005-06 and 2010-11 |
Table 1 : Monetary account for land use (rateable value) |
Table 2 : Physical account for land use (hectares) |
Table 3 : Land use net change matrix (rateable value) |
Table 4 : Land use net change matrix (hectares) |
Table 5 : Physical account for land cover (hectares) |
Table 6 : Land cover net change matrix (hectares) |
Adelaide region land value grids  |
Released 06/04/2016 |
Help for: ABS.Stat Datasets | |
Monetary account for land use 2006 to 2011 ($'000)
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Physical account for land use 2006 to 2011 (Hectares)
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Land use net change matrix 2006 to 2011 Rateable Value ($'000)
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Land use net change matrix 2006 to 2011 Area (Hectares)
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Physical account for land cover 2006 to 2011 (Hectares)
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Land cover net change matrix 2005-06 to 2010-11 (Hectares)
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