4510.0 - Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia |
VICTIMS, Australia - Publication tables 2.1-2.8 |
VICTIMS, states and territories time-series 2000-2009 - Publication tables 3.1-3.8 |
RELATIONSHIP OF OFFENDER TO VICTIM, Selected states and territories - Publication tables 3.9-3.20 |
INDIGENOUS STATUS, Selected states and territories - Publication tables 3.21-3.32 |
VICTIMS, Sex and age group by states and territories - Supplementary data cubes |
Released 17/06/2010 |
VICTIMS, Location where offence occurred by states and territories - Supplementary data cubes |
Released 17/06/2010 |
VICTIMS, Use of weapon in commission of offence by states and territories - Supplementary data cubes |
Released 17/06/2010 |
VICTIMS, Outcome of investigation at 30 days by states and territories - Supplementary data cubes |
Released 17/06/2010 |
RELATIONSHIP OF OFFENDER TO VICTIM, Victims of assault and sexual assault by age group, selected states and territories - Supplementary data cubes |
Released 17/06/2010 |
INDIGENOUS STATUS, Selected characteristics by offence, selected states and territories - Supplementary data cubes |
Released 17/06/2010 |