Headline dimensions | Headline progress indicators | Supplementary progress indicators | Other indicators |
Health | Life expectancy at birth |
- Proportion of people surviving to ages 25, 50 and 75
- Infant mortality rate
- Avoidable deaths
- Incidence of all cancer
- Incidence of heart attacks
- Burden of disease
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Education and training | People aged 25-64 with a vocational or higher education qualification |
- Education participation rate for those aged 15-19
- Year 7/8 to Year 12 apparent retention rate
- Education participation rates and attainment levels for those aged 15-64
- Human capital stock
- OECD literacy rates, science, reading and mathematics
- Indigenous to non-indigenous attainment ratios
- Female students as a proportion of all students
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Work | Unemployment rate |
- Extended labour force underutilisation rate
- Proportion of people working
- Long- term unemployment rate
- Retrenchment rate
- Unemployment to population ratios
- Casual employees
- People working part-time or longer hours (50 hours a week worked or more)
- Average hours per week, full-time workers
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National income | Real net national disposable income per capita |
- Real gross state domestic income per capita
- Real gross domestic product per capita
- Population in work
- Terms of trade
- Real final consumption expenditure per capita
- Net national saving as a proportion of GDP
| Selected measures of equivalised household disposable income |
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Financial hardship | Average real equivalised average weekly disposable income of households in the second and third deciles of the income distribution |
- People with housing stress
| Average real equivalised average weekly disposable income of households in the fifth and sixth deciles of the income distribution |
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National wealth | Real national net worth per capita |
- Real national assets and liabilities per capita
- Real net capital stock per capita
- Economically demonstrated resources (minerals and energy) per capita
- Real net foreign debt
- Real gross fixed capital formation per capita
- Average household net worth
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Housing | No headline indicator | None | None |
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Productivity | Multifactor productivity |
- Labour productivity
- Expenditure on research and development
- Managers and professionals, as a proportion of total employment
- Investment in software, as a proportion of GDP
- Proportion of businesses with web site or home page
- Hours worked and quality adjusted hours worked
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The natural landscape |
- Threatened birds and mammals Annual area of land cleared Salinity, assets at risk in areas affected, or with a high potential to develop, salinity
- Water management areas, proportion where use exceeded 70% of sustainable yield
- Threatened species trend
- Mammalian extinctions
- Area of land in conservation reserves
- Species-threatening invasive animals
- Exotic mammals established in the wild
- Weeds of national significance, distribution
- Native forest area
- Net water use
- Dams greater than 100 gigalitres
- Water diversions: Murray-Darling Basin
- River condition (biota) index
- River environment index
- Area under crops
- Cattle and sheep numbers
- Natural and actual flows in the Murray River
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The human environment | Fine particle concentrations, days health standards exceeded, selected capital cities |
- Highest one hour averages of SO2, selected regional centres
- Days when ozone concentrations exceeded guidelines, selected capital cities
- Recycling, Australian Capital Territory
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Oceans and estuaries | None |
- Estuarine condition index
- Oil spills
| Fisheries production, value and employment |
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International environmental concerns | Net greenhouse gas emissions |
- Greenhouse emissions, net, per capita and per $ GDP
- Carbon dioxide measurements
- Consumption of ozone depleting substances
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Family, community and social cohesion | No headline indicator |
- Children and divorce
- Children without an employed parent
- Social participation
- No participation in selected activities
- Voluntary work
- Suicide and drug-induced death rates
- (indicators in the Work dimension are also relevant)
- Family type
- Marriage and divorce rates
- Participation in religious activities
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Crime | Victims of personal and household crimes | Homicide rate | Imprisonment rates |
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Governance, democracy and citizenship | No headline indicator |
- Proportion of eligible overseas-born residents who are citizens
- Voter turnout and informal votes cast
- Women in Federal parliament
- Volunteering rates for management, committee and coordination work
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