2016.0 - Census of Population and Housing: Selected Characteristics for Urban Centres, Australia, 2001  
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General descriptions of terms and concepts used in this publication are provided below. Tables are also footnoted where applicable for additional clarity. Detailed definitions of classifications and concepts are available in the 2001 Census Dictionary (cat.no. 2901.0).

Dependent child

A dependent child is a person who is either a child under 15 years of age or a dependent student. A dependent student is any child in a family under 15 years of age, or who is aged 15-24 years and is a full-time student. To be regarded as a child the individual can have no partner or child of his/her own usually resident in the same household.


A dwelling is a structure which is intended to have people live in it, and which is habitable on Census Night.
There are private and non-private dwellings:

  • A private dwelling is normally a house, flat, part of a house, or even a room; but can also be a house attached to, or rooms above, shops or offices; an occupied caravan or unit in a caravan park or craft in a marina; occupied dwelling in a Manufactured Home Estate; occupied self-care unit in Accommodation for the Retired or Aged; a houseboat; or tent if it is standing on its own block of land. An occupied caravan situated on a residential allotment is also classed as a private dwelling. Private dwellings can be either occupied or unoccupied.
  • Non-private dwellings are those dwellings not included above, which provide a communal or transitory type of accommodation. They are classified according to their function. These dwellings include hotels, motels, guest houses, prisons, religious and charitable institutions, defence establishments, hospitals and other communal dwellings. Only occupied non-private dwellings are included in the Census.


Employed people are those aged 15 years or more who, during the week prior to Census Night, worked for payment or profit; who had a job from which they were on leave or otherwise temporarily absent; were on strike or stood down temporarily; or worked as unpaid helpers in a family business.


A family is defined by the ABS as two or more persons, one of whom is at least 15 years of age, who are related by blood, marriage (registered or de facto), adoption, step or fostering, and who are usually resident in the same household. The basis of a family is formed by identifying either a couple, parent-child or other blood relationship. Information on persons temporarily absent on Census Night is considered in family coding.

Full-time/Part-time employment

This variable is based on the number of hours worked in all jobs held by employed people during the week before Census Night. It excludes any time off but includes any overtime or extra time worked:
  • Part-time workers: employed people who worked up to 34 hours
  • Full-time workers: employed people who worked 35 hours or more.

Geographic areas

The tables in this publication use both the Section of State and Urban Centre/Locality classification structures as defined by the 2001 Census edition of the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC).

Section of State (SOS): The SOS Structure uses population counts from the latest Census of Population and Housing to class CDs as either urban or rural. Unlike the UC/L Structure, the SOS Structure includes all CDs and therefore, in aggregate, the SOS Structure covers all of Australia. For the 2001 edition, three of the five different SOS have been divided into sub categories based on population size. Data for these sub categories are available through the Consultancy Services listed in Appendix 2-Census Products and Services.

Within a state/territory (S/T), each SOS represents an aggregation of non-contiguous geographical areas of a particular urban/rural type. These are based upon the UC/Ls current for the census year 2001. Not all SOS are represented in each S/T. The categories are:
  • Major Urban: this category provides for a further three categories of urban areas (Urban Centres from the UC/L Structure) based upon population ranges of 1,000,000 or more, 250,000 to 999,999, and 100,000 to 249,999.
  • Other Urban: this category provides for a further five categories of urban areas (Urban Centres from the UC/L Structure) based upon population ranges of 50,000 to 99,999, 20,000 to 49,999, 10,000 to 19,999, 5,000 to 9,999, and 1,000 to 4,999.
  • Bounded Locality: this category provides for a further two categories of rural areas (Localities in the UC/L Structure) with a population of 500 to 999 and 200 to 499.
  • Rural Balance: the remainder of the S/T.
  • Migratory: areas composed of off-shore, shipping and migratory CDs.

Listings of component CDs of SOS, for census year 2001, are available from the ABS as a Customised Geographic Data Report.

Urban Centre/Locality (UC/L): The UC/L structure is defined using the population counts (place of enumeration) from the 2001 Census of Population and Housing. The structure is only current at the time of the Census.

The UC/L structure groups Census Collection Districts (CDs) together to form defined areas according to population size criteria. (The delimitation criteria for UC/Ls are based on those developed in 1965 by Dr G. J. R. Linge.) In broad terms an urban centre is a population cluster of 1,000 or more people, while a locality is a population cluster of between 200 and 999 people. For statistical purposes, people living in urban centres are classified as urban, while those in localities are classified as rural.

The UC/L Structure relates to CDs within defined areas only and thus in aggregate does not cover the whole of Australia. Urban centres may cross state or territory boundaries and in those instances, the separate portions are uniquely identified and reported in their relevant state or territory.

A full description of the definitions and delimitation criteria used for the UC/Ls may be found in the publication Statistical Geography: Volume 1-Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) 2001 (cat. no. 1216.0), Chapter 6.

The UC/Ls determined following the 2001 Census are listed in the publication Statistical Geography: Volume 3-Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) Urban Centres/Localities, 2001 (cat.no. 2909.0).

More information: Definitions, maps and lists of codes and names of the geographic areas are available in Statistical Geography: Volume 1-Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) 2001 (cat.no. 1216.0) effective date 1 July 2001.


This is a derived variable which contains the amount of money spent on housing loan repayments in ranges. In standard census products, ranges are used rather than individual dollar amounts. Individual dollar amounts are available. More detail about this variable is available in the 2001 Census Dictionary (cat.no.2901.0).


A household is defined as a group of two or more related or unrelated people who usually reside in the same dwelling, who regard themselves as a household, and who make common provision for food or other essentials for living; or a person living in a dwelling who makes provision for his/her own food and other essentials for living, without combining with any other person.

Under this definition, in a group house where occupants share the dwelling, each occupant who usually supplies his/her own food should be counted as a separate household and issued with a separate Household Form. In practice, however, most such households usually only complete one form.


People aged 15 years and over are asked to indicate their usual gross weekly income by selecting an income range on the census form. There are 16 options ranging from 'Negative income', 'Nil income' through to '$1,500 or more'. For example, a person with a gross weekly income of $650 per week would tick the range '$600-$699'. Gross weekly income is the income before tax, superannuation, health insurance, or other deductions are made. Gross income includes: family allowance, parenting payment, pensions, unemployment benefits, student allowances, maintenance (child support), superannuation, wages, salary, overtime, dividends, rents received, interest received, business or farm income (less operation expenses) and worker's compensation received.

Household income is the sum of the personal incomes of each resident present in the dwelling.


A person is defined to be of Indigenous origin if he or she identifies himself or herself as of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin.

Industry (of employment)

This variable describes the industries in which employed people (aged 15 years and over) work, and is coded to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 1993 (cat.no. 1292.0).


Internet includes: Internet connections in private and business applications; Internet connection through a computer or set top box, games machine, mobile phone, or other means; and Internet used at other locations including libraries, Internet cafes, shops, educational institutions, or at a neighbour or friends place of residence.

Labour force

The labour force comprises employed and unemployed people aged 15 years and over.


See definition under Geographic areas.

Lone person household

A person who usually lives alone in a private dwelling.

Occupation (of main job)

This variable describes the main job held by employed people (aged 15 years and over) during the week prior to Census Night, and is coded using the ASCO-Australian Standard Classification of Occupations, Second Edition (cat.no. 1220.0).


Overseas-born people are those who state that they were born in a country other than Australia, those born at sea, and those whose responses are classed as 'Inadequately described' or 'Not elsewhere classified'.

Personal Computer (PC)

PCs include: computers used at home for private and business purposes, portable computers, personal organisers, computers brought home from the workplace, and dedicated word processors. Game machines are not included.


This is a derived variable which identifies the weekly rent paid for a dwelling in ranges. In standard census products, ranges are used rather than individual dollar amounts. Individual dollar amounts are available. More detail about this variable is available in the 2001 Census Dictionary (cat.no. 2901.0).

Section of State

See definition under Geographic areas.


A student is an individual who attends a secondary or tertiary educational institution on a full-time/part-time basis.


Unemployed people are those who, during the week prior to Census Night, did not have a job but were actively looking for work (either full-time or part-time) and were available to start work.

Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed persons expressed as a percentage of the labour force.

Urban Centre

See definition under Geographic areas.

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