This electronic publication details preliminary summary data for registration year 2008 for deaths which were certified by a Doctor.
This publication contains preliminary summary statistics for Doctor certified deaths which accounts for around 87% of all deaths. Detailed data for Chapters XVIII Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified and Chapter XX External causes of morbidity and mortality have been excluded from this issue, due to the majority of deaths in these chapters being certified by Coroners. Counts of specific causes detailed in the publication and the accompanying spreadsheets are subject to change upon inlcusion of deaths which were certified by a Coroner. The extent of these amendments to the data is expected to be minimal with the exception of Chapter IX Diseases of the Circulatory System.
Final results for 2008 will be available in Causes of Death Australia (Cat 3303.0) which is due for release March 2010. This publication will contain the full standard set of tables including perinatal deaths and details on all Chapters of underlying causes of death and multiple causes of death.