Agricultural business
A business which is engaged in agricultural activities above a minimum size ($5,000, based on EVAO or a derived value based on Business Activity Statement (BAS) Turnover). Agricultural business counts in this publication refer to all businesses that operated during the 2012-13 year.
Application rate
The rate at which water is applied to an area or crop. Measured in megalitres per hectare, application rate is calculated by dividing the total area of interest by the total volume applied to the area.
Area of agricultural land
Refers to the area of agricultural holding of in-scope agricultural businesses. This is not equal to the area under pasture or crop as not all land on agricultural holdings is under pasture or crop, for example sheds or roads.
Estimated value of agricultural operations (EVAO)
An estimation of the value of agricultural activity undertaken by an agricultural business. Three-year average weighted prices are applied to livestock turnoff and livestock numbers on the farm, and to area and production data for crops. The resultant aggregation of these commodity values is EVAO. It is not an indicator of the value of receipts of individual farms, but rather, an indicator of the extent of agricultural activity.
One million litres.
Pasture for grazing
Includes all areas used for grazing. Prior to 2010-11, this only included improved pastures.