| Electronic table (time series spreadsheet) | | Includes table(s) from pdf | Type of data |
Summary tables and productivity estimates |
1. | Key National Accounts Aggregates | | 1 | Key aggregates including percentage changes and indexes |
| | | | |
2. | Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GPI) | | 2, 3, 4, 5 | Volume and current price data, percentage changes, contribution to growth (volume) and revisions to growth (volume) |
| | | | |
3. | Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product, Chain price indexes | | 6, 7 | Chain price indexes and percentage changes |
| | | | |
4. | Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Implicit price deflators | | 8 | Implicit price deflators and percentage changes |
| | | | |
5. | Gross Value Added (GVA) by Industry | | 9, 10, 11 | Volume and current price data, percentage changes (volume), industry share (current prices) |
| | | | |
6. | Income from Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Current prices | | 12 | Current price data and percentage changes |
| | | | |
7. | National Income Account, Current prices | | 13 | Current prices |
| | | | |
8. | National Capital Account, Current prices | | 14 | Current prices |
| | | | |
9. | National Financial Account, Current prices | | 15 | Current prices |
| | | | |
10. | National Balance Sheet, Volume/Real and current prices - as at 30 June | | 16, 17, 18, 19 | Volume and current price data |
| | | | |
11. | Balance Sheet Accounts and Accumulation Accounts, Current prices | | 20 | Current prices |
| | | | |
12. | Analytical Measures of National Income, Saving and Wealth, Current prices | | 21 | Current prices |
| | | | |
13. | Productivity in the Market Sector | | 22 | Indexes, percentage changes and contributions to growth |
| | | | |
14. | Productivity in the Market Sector, Growth cycle analysis | | 23 | Percentage changes and contributions to growth for identified growth cycles. Table is included in sequence with the rest of the spreadsheets but is published as a Data Cube. |
| | | | |
15. | Labour Productivity and Input, Hours worked and Gross Value Added (GVA) per hour worked - by industry | | 24, 25 | Indexes of hours worked and gross value added per hour worked |
| | | | |
16. | Selected Analysis Series | | 26 | Volume and current price data |
| | | | |
72. | Unit Labour Costs | | NA | Indexes of unit labour costs and non-farm GDP per hour worked |
Non-Financial corporations sector |
17. | Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, Current prices | | 27 | Current prices income account for the non-financial corporations sector |
| | | | |
18. | Non-Financial Corporations Capital Account, Current prices | | 28 | Current prices capital account for the non-financial corporations sector |
| | | | |
19. | Non-Financial Corporations Financial Account, Current prices | | 29 | Current prices financial account for the non-financial corporations sector |
| | | | |
20. | Non-Financial Corporations Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June | | 30 | Current prices balance sheet for the non-financial corporations sector |
| | | | |
21. | Private Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, Current prices | | 31 | Current prices income account for the private, non-financial corporations sector |
| | | | |
22. | Public Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, by Level of government, Current prices | | 32 | Current prices income account for the public, non-financial corporations sector (commonwealth, state and local, and total public) |
| | | | |
23. | Private Non-Financial Corporations Capital Account, Current prices | | 33 | Current prices capital account for the private, non-financial corporations sector |
| | | | |
24. | Public Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, by Level of government, Current prices | | 34 | Current prices capital account for the public, non-financial corporations sector (commonwealth, state and local, and total public) |
Financial corporations sector |
25. | Financial Corporation Income Account, Current prices | | 35 | Current prices income account for the financial corporations sector |
| | | | |
26. | Financial Corporation Capital Account, Current prices | | 36 | Current prices capital account for the financial corporations sector |
| | | | |
27. | Financial Corporation Financial Account, Current prices | | 37 | Current prices financial account for the financial corporations sector |
| | | | |
28. | Financial Corporation Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June | | 38 | Current prices balance sheet for the financial corporations sector |
| | | | |
29. | Life Insurance Offices and Superannuation Funds, Current prices | | 39 | Current prices |
General government sector |
30. | General Government Income Account, by Level of government, Current prices | | 40 | Current prices income account for the general government sector (commonwealth, state and local, and total public) |
| | | | |
31. | General Government Adjusted Disposable Income Account, Current Prices | | 41 | Current prices income account for the general government sector, adjusted for social assistance transfers |
| | | | |
32. | General Government Capital Account, by Level of government, Current prices | | 42 | Current prices capital account for the general government sector (commonwealth, state and local, and total public) |
| | | | |
33. | General Government Finance Account, Current Prices | | 43 | Current prices financial account for the general government sector |
| | | | |
34. | General Government Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June | | 44 | Current prices balance sheet for the general government sector |
| | | | |
35. | Government Final Consumption Expenditure, by Level of government and purpose, Current price | | 45 | Current prices (National, state and local, and total general government) |
Household sector |
36. | Household Income Account, Current prices | | 46 | Current prices income account for the household sector |
| | | | |
37. | Household Adjusted Disposable Income Account, Current prices | | 47 | Current prices income account for the household sector, adjusted for social assistance transfers |
| | | | |
38. | Analytical Measures of Household Income, Current prices | | 48 | Current prices |
| | | | |
39. | Household Capital Account, Current prices | | 49 | Current prices capital account for the household sector |
| | | | |
40. | Household Financial Account, Current prices | | 50 | Current prices financial account for the household sector |
| | | | |
41. | Household Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June | | 51 | Current prices balance sheet for the household sector |
| | | | |
42. | Household Final Consumption Expenditure | | 52, 53 | Volume and current price data, by purpose of expenditure |
Rest of the world |
43. | External Accounts, Current prices | | 54 | Current prices income and capital accounts |
| | | | |
44. | External Financial Account, Current prices | | 55 | Current prices financial account |
| | | | |
45. | External Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June | | 56 | Current prices financial account |
Industry estimates |
46. | Total Factor Income, by Industry and principal components - Current prices | | 57 | Current prices |
| | | | |
47. | Consumption of Fixed Capital, by Industry and institutional sector - Current prices | | 58 | Current prices, by industry, and by sector (but not cross classified) |
| | | | |
48. | Compensation of Employees, by Industry - Current prices | | 59 | Current prices (wages and salaries, employers' social contributions, and total compensation of employees) |
| | | | |
49. | Income from Dwelling Rent, Current prices | | 60 | Current prices |
| | | | |
50. | Agricultural Income, Current prices | | 61 | Current prices |
Balance sheet estimates |
59. | Consolidated Balance Sheet and Accumulation Accounts, Current prices | | NA | Current prices |
| | | | |
60. | Livestock, Value and number of Fixed Assets and Inventories - as at 30 June | | NA | Value and number of livestock |
| | | | |
61. | Value of Land, by Land use by State/Territory - as at 30 June, Current prices | | NA | Current prices, by land use (residential, commercial, rural, other uses, total) |
| | | | |
62. | Value of Demonstrated Subsoil Assets, by Commodity - as at 30 June | | NA | Current prices, volume of production and remaining resource |
Capital estimates |
51. | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Type of Asset | | 62, 63 | Volume and current price data, by type of asset by sector (private, public corporations, general government, and total) |
| | | | |
52. | Private Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Industry - Current prices | | 64 | Current prices |
| | | | |
53. | General Government Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Level of government and purpose - Current prices | | 65 | Current prices, by level of government (national, state and local, and total general government) |
| | | | |
54. | Public Corporations Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Level of government and industry - Current prices | | 66 | Current prices, by level of government (national, state and local, and total public corporations) |
| | | | |
55. | Changes in Inventories | | 67, 68 | Volume and current price data |
| | | | |
56. | Capital Stock, by Type of asset | | 69 | Volume and current price data, and end-year average age of gross stock |
| | | | |
57. | Capital Stock, by Institutional sector | | 70 | Volume and current price data, and end-year average age of gross stock |
| | | | |
58. | Capital Stock, by Industry | | 71 | Volume and current price data, capital services index, and end-year average age of gross stock |
| | | | |
63. | Net Capital Stock, by Industry by type of asset | | NA | Volume and current price data |
| | | | |
64. | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Industry by type of asset | | NA | Volume and current price data |
| | | | |
65. | Consumption of Fixed Capital, by Industry by type of asset | | NA | Volume and current price data |
| | | | |
66. | Machinery and Equipment Net Capital Stock, by Industry | | NA | Volume and current price data |
| | | | |
67. | Machinery and Equipment Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Industry | | NA | Volume and current price data |
| | | | |
68. | Machinery and Equipment Consumption of Fixed Capital, by Industry | | NA | Volume and current price data |
| | | | |
69. | Information Technology Net Capital Stock, Selected items by Industry | | NA | Volume and current price data, by selected items (computers and peripherals, electrical and electronic equipment, and computer software) |
| | | | |
70. | Information Technology Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Selected items by Industry | | NA | Volume and current price data, by selected items (computers and peripherals, electrical and electronic equipment, and computer software) |
| | | | |
71. | Information Technology Consumption of Fixed Capital, Selected items by Industry | | NA | Volume and current price data, by selected items (computers and peripherals, electrical and electronic equipment, and computer software) |