Australian Economic Statistics 1949-50 to 1994-95
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Reserve Bank of Australia
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Name/Title of Product
Australian Economic Statistics 1949-50 to 1994-95 (to 1995-96 for disks).
Dissemination Media
Publication $25.00 per issue ($30.00 mailed). Also available on floppy disk $25.00 each ($30.00 mailed). The floppy disk contains data only, with minimal labelling/description.
About these statistics and to purchase these statistics
Mr R A Hall
Senior Information Officer
Information Office/Secretary's Department
Telephone: (02) 9551 9721
Broad Description
Wide range of longer run annual data on the Australian economy and financial system.
Purpose of Data
To provide an annual profile on the Australian economy.
Detailed Description
All segments of the Australian economy.
Superannuation Data Items
Some data cover data on superannuation assets (and share of the financial system [eg. Table 3.4]), superannuation related assets (eg. Tables 3.15 and 3.16), returns from superannuation and related investments (Table 3.18), national and financial accounts aggregates on household sector flows into and holdings of superannuation and related assets (Tables 3.25, 5.5, 5.21). Also includes other economic aggregates relevant to (longer term) research into superannuation (eg. population, age structure, employment, prices).
The Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Insurance and Superannuation Commission (sources listed in publication). Some data estimated by the Reserve Bank of Australia (eg. financial flows from 1953/54 to 1985/86).
Method of Collection
See Source details.
Australian Economic Statistics is an "Occasional" paper only. Data updates obtainable from sources quoted.
Historical Data
Some series back to 1949/50.
Geographic Breakdown
Australia only, no state break-ups available.
Confidentiality and Availability
Data provided by external sources are subject to confidentiality restrictions and/or secrecy provisions.
Unpublished Information
Not available.