In 2005-06 the Communication services industry contributed 2.7% to GDP, down from 3.3% in 1993-94. The industry consists of firms providing postal, courier and telecommunications services. Conventional wired telephony services, internet services and the provision of mobile telephone services are included in telecommunications services and postal services includes pick up and delivery for postal, package and courier items. Bulk transport of postal items is usually classified as part of the Transport & storage industry. Multifactor productivity (MFP) growth in this industry has averaged 3.6% per year between 1985-86 and 2005-06, well above market sector MFP growth as a whole. There have been significant structural changes within the industry over the last 20 years. In 1985-86 the industry was almost exclusively publicly owned and controlled through two major government bodies, the Australian Telecommunications Commission trading as Telecom, and the Australian Postal Commission trading as Australia Post. Since that time the industry has been substantially deregulated and privatised. The changes within the industry alongside significant changes in technology would have affected productivity growth. Deregulation of the telecommunications industry saw competition initially entering the industry in 1992 and 1993, followed by a larger number of mostly service re-sellers after further deregulation in 1997.