4610.0.55.006 - Information Paper: Methods of estimating the Gross Value of Irrigated Agricultural Production, 2008  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 31/10/2008  First Issue
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Gross Value of Irrigated Agricultural Production (GVIAP) refers to the gross value of agricultural commodities that are produced with the assistance of irrigation. Over the past 18 months the ABS has been developing an improved methodology for calculating GVIAP.

To date, the ABS has used two different methods to calculate GVIAP estimates for various publications such as the Water Account, Australia (cat.no. 4610.0) and the joint ABS/Productivity Commission publication Characteristics of Australia's Irrigated Farms (cat. no. 4623.0). Following the 2005–06 Agricultural Census, it was important that the ABS assessed the methodology used to calculate GVIAP and developed an improved methodology that is appropriate for the release of this, and future, data.

This information paper describes and evaluates the methods the ABS has used to produce estimates of GVIAP. It provides a description of a proposed improved methodology for calculating GVIAP for Australia, allowing increased accuracy and the flexibility to produce sub-state estimates. It is anticipated that the proposed new methodology will be used by the ABS to establish a system that enables the calculation of GVIAP estimates periodically.

It is proposed that experimental estimates based on the improved methodology will be published in Experimental Estimates of the Gross Value of Irrigated Agricultural Production 2000–01 to 2006–07 (cat. no. 4610.0.55.008) in early 2009 and also the next edition of the ABS Water Account, Australia (cat. no. 4610.0) (for the reference period 2008–09).

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Issue Details
First Issue: 2008
Latest Issue: 2008 was released on 31/10/2008

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