At the end of June 2001 there were 6,012 businesses which had some involvement in gambling activity but only 18.2% (1,092) of these were part of the gambling industry. Most businesses involved in gambling activity were either Hospitality clubs or Pubs, taverns and bars. Between them these two categories accounted for 75.1% (4,518) of businesses involved in gambling activity.
12.1 BUSINESSES WITH GAMBLING ACTIVITY(a), By industry - 2000-01 |
|  |
 | Businesses at end June |  |
 | no. |  |
|  |
Pubs, taverns and bars | 2 566 |  |
Hospitality clubs | 1 952 |  |
Thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing clubs | 28 |  |
Other sporting clubs and venues | 279 |  |
Casinos | 13 |  |
Other gambling services | 1 079 |  |
Accommodation | 95 |  |
Total | 6 012 |  |
|  |
(a) Excluding lottery agencies. |
Source: Gambling Industries, Australia, 2000-01 (cat. no. 8684.0). |
The total net takings from all gambling during 2000-01 were $13,838.6m, or $944 per head of adult population.
Poker machines contributed 63.2% ($8,752.4m) of total net takings. There were 185,512 poker machines in operation at the end of June 2001 of which 10,853 (5.9%) were in casinos. Casinos had an 11.7% ($1,020.5m) share of net poker machine takings. Most of the net takings from poker machines came from machines located in Clubs ($4,411.3m or 50.4%) and Pubs, taverns and bars ($3,279.6m or 37.5%).
The total income of the gambling industries (net of payouts to players) for 2000-01 was $9,543.0m. Casinos contributed $3,136.8m (32.9%) of this, while $6406.3m (67.1%) was generated by Other gambling services. The total operating profit before tax of the gambling industries was $1,357.7m, of which $536.8m came from Casinos and $820.9m from Other gambling services.
Income from gambling made up 96.0% ($6,149.3m) of the total income of Other gambling services, but only 79.9% ($2,505.3m) of the total income of Casinos. This reflects their greater diversity of income sources (e.g. the bars and restaurants within a casino).
For Casinos, labour costs made up 32.4% ($841.8m) of total expenses ($2,598.7m) whereas, for Other gambling services, labour costs of $311.7m were only 5.6% of total expenses ($5,580.4m).
At the end of June 2001, there were 32,591 persons employed by the gambling industries (including the 3,073 working in TAB agencies). Casinos employed 20,413 persons of which 56.2% (11,462) were male. Excluding TAB agencies, Other gambling services employed 9,105 persons of which 63.9% (5,814) were female.
12.3 GAMBLING INDUSTRIES - 2000-01 |
|  |
 |  |  |  | Casinos | Other gambling services(a) | Total |  |
|  |
Businesses at end June | no. | 13 | 1 079 | 1 092 |  |
Employment at end June(b)(c) |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Males | no. | 11 462 | 3 291 | 14 753 |  |
 | Females | no. | 8 951 | 5 814 | 14 765 |  |
 | Total | no. | 20 413 | 9 105 | 29 518 |  |
Income |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Net takings from gambling | $m | 2 503.5 | 6 050.6 | 8 554.1 |  |
 | Commissions from gambling | $m | 1.8 | 98.7 | 100.5 |  |
 | Other income | $m | 631.5 | 257.0 | 888.4 |  |
 | Total | $m | 3 136.8 | 6 406.3 | 9 543.0 |  |
Expenses |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Labour costs |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | Wages and salaries | $m | 732.5 | 274.4 | 1 006.9 |  |
 |  | Other labour costs | $m | 109.3 | 37.3 | 146.6 |  |
 |  | Total | $m | 841.8 | 311.7 | 1 153.5 |  |
 | Gambling and gaming taxes and levies | $m | 502.8 | 2 514.2 | 3 017.0 |  |
 | Other expenses | $m | 1 254.1 | 2 754.5 | 4 008.6 |  |
 | Total | $m | 2 598.7 | 5 580.4 | 8 179.1 |  |
Operating profit before tax | $m | 536.8 | 820.9 | 1 357.7 |  |
|  |
(a) Includes TAB agencies. |
(b) Includes working proprietors and partners. |
(c) Excludes 3,073 persons working in TAB agencies. |
Source: Gambling Industries, Australia, 2000-01 (cat. no. 8684.0). |