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The Ancestry data item can be used in conjunction with other indicators of diversity such as country of birth, whether or not a person's parents were born in Australia or overseas, their religious affiliation and whether the person speaks a language other than English at home. Together these data items provide an ability to identify and analyse information relating to first and second generation Australians who have an ethnic background. Ancestry is particularly useful to identify distinct ethnic or cultural groups within Australia such as South Sea Islanders and groups which are spread across multiple countries of birth such as Kurds. Country of birth alone cannot identify such groups, however, analysing this in tandem with Ancestry can illicit important and essential information needed in the development of policies which reflect the needs of our society and for the effective delivery of programs and services to particular ethnic communities. The ABS is currently undertaking a review of the Ancestry standard. The objective of this review is to ensure that the question, definition, wording and conceptual basis are up-to-date and reflect Australia’s culturally diverse society. We are seeking your assistance with this review through suggesting additions, deletions or modifications to the Ancestry standard. If you wish to participate and have your view considered in this review, please send an email response to or by calling Lev Makaev ph. (08) 8237 7451 or Jenny Dobak ph. (08) 8237 7317. Your comments would be appreciated by no later than Tuesday May 31 2012. For further and background information about the Ancestry standard see:
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