3235.0 - Population by Age and Sex, Regions of Australia, 2011
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ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 31/08/2012
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A Area
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
AC Aboriginal council
ACT Australian Capital Territory
Adel. Adelaide
ASGC Australian Standard Geographical Classification
ASGS Australian Statistical Geography Standard
B Borough
Bal Balance
C City
C'maine Castlemaine
C. Goldfields Central Goldfields
CD collection district
DC District Council
excl. excluding
E. East
ERP estimated resident population
GCCSA Greater Capital City Statistical Area
Gr. Greater
incl. including
I./Is Island
LGA local government area
M'borough Maryborough
M Municipality
M. Downs Murrumba Downs
Mt C'tha Mount Coot-tha
no. number
N. North/Northern
Norw. P'ham St Ptrs Norwood, Payneham and St Peters
NSW New South Wales
NT Northern Territory
P'sula Peninsula
Port Pirie C Dists Port Pirie City and Districts
Pt Part
Qld Queensland
R Regional Council
RC Rural City
RegC Regional Council
Res. Reservoir
S Shire
S'bank-D'lands Southbank-Docklands
S'saye Strathfieldsaye
S C'st Sunshine Coast
S. South/Southern
S/T state or territory
SA South Australia
SA1 Statistical Area Level 1
SA2 Statistical Area Level 2
SA3 Statistical Area Level 3
SA4 Statistical Area Level 4
SD statistical division
SLA statistical local area
SSD statistical subdivision
T Town
Tas. Tasmania
Unincorp. Unincorporated
Vic. Victoria
W. West
WA Western Australia
Wtrs Waters