The Ethnic Schools Board Grant Application database (South Australia)
The Ethnic Schools Board (ESB) is located in the Non-Government Schools Secretariat (NGSS). The role of the Board is to provide ongoing advice to the South Australian Minister for Education and Children's Services on all current and emerging issues concerning ethnic schools. This includes assisting communities with the establishment of new ethnic schools, registration and funding of ethnic schools, accreditation of ethnic school teachers and reporting of student achievements in ethnic schools to government and non-government schools. In performing its function, the ESB collects enrolment and school data for registered ethnic schools in South Australia as part of the grant application and funding allocation process.
Enrolment data by year level and gender are collected twice annually, in April and September, as part of the first and second semester per capita grant payments. For over and above per capita funding, ethnic school authorities can also apply for Needs Based funding grants that are considered by the ESB in the first semester.
Ethnic schools are language and culture schools operating out of normal school hours and are managed by ethnic school authorities. Each ethnic school authority is supported by a community having a shared language and culture which they wish to maintain and develop within Australian society. Administrative support for the Ethnic Schools Board is provided within the NGSS.
All registered ethnic schools in country and metropolitan South Australia.
There are around 7,900 funded students enrolled in ethnic schools in South Australia, learning 50 different languages.
Data items collected:
- Number of ethnic schools operated by funded authorities
- Number of funded ethnic school authorities
- Number of funded school age students enrolled
- Number of preschool students (not funded) enrolled
- Number of adults (not funded) enrolled
- Number of students enrolled in each language
- Number of students studying language as part of their South Australian Certificate of Education
- Number of ethnic schools gaining full registration
- Number of ethnic schools commencing classes
- Number of teachers teaching in ethnic schools and their details and registration and accreditation status
Note: Adults and preschoolers are not funded by the ESB.
No standard statistical classifications are used in this collection.
All Registered Ethnic Schools in South Australia.
The Ethnic Schools Board reports formally to the South Australian Minister for Education and Children’s Services through the publication of an Annual Report.
Summary data items are derived from enrolment information and presented in ESB Annual Reports as tables. ESB staff store and collate data using Microsoft Access.
The 'Sites and Services Directory' on the
Department of Education and Children’s Services website includes a list of all ethnic school authorities in language order, with contact details.
Limited further information can be negotiated on a request basis. No specific details about any school (other than that which appears in the Annual Report) will be provided. Information about any particular ethnic school would need to be obtained from the particular school/system of interest. A list of school contact addresses and personnel can be provided by the Non-Government Schools Secretariat.
Names of ethnic schools and funding received by state and federal governments are contained in the Annual Reports. These reports can be downloaded from the
Non-Government Schools Secretariat website.
Ms Ekaterina Briffa
Executive Officer
Ethnic Schools Board
Ph: (08) 8226 1008.