1308.7 - Inform NT, Mar 2011  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 23/03/2011  Final
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Census Builds Relationships Across Northern Australia
NT Government and Census Coordination Teams Working Together
Coming Soon - Launch of Indigenous Recruitment
Census | Beyond the Count - A Big Success


The Northern Australia Census Management Unit continues to network with key community players across the Northern Territory (NT), APY Lands of South Australia, Far North Queensland and the Kimberley region of WA.

This includes shires, mining organisations, health organisations and other key government and private sector organisations.

Census staff, including District Managers, Local Engagement Managers and Indigenous Engagement Managers, are now focusing their efforts on the Area Supervisor recruitment. They are spreading the message about the importance of Census through local media outlets, local forums and established networks.

The NT Government is very supportive of Census and has welcomed key recruiting material through its extensive networks.

The Northern Australia Unit is built around a close community model that sees local District Managers engaged on the ground, particularly in remote Indigenous communities.

Many staff, particularly from remote areas, are using their knowledge of local contacts and approaches to great success.

With promising reception from stakeholders and media, and an enthusiastic and driven team, the Northern Australia Census Unit are pursuing quality staff and resources for a successful count.

Further information regarding Census can be found on the ABS Website.


The NT Government (NTG) and the ABS are working in partnership to support the 2011 Census. The NT Treasury and the ABS have collectively worked on recruitment presentations to raise awareness of upcoming employment opportunities for the 2011 census amongst NTG agencies.

Area Supervisor positions have been advertised nationally, with Area Supervisors in Indigenous Communities positions being advertised in March. The ABS is keen to employ local people in towns such as Katherine, Tennant Creek and Nhulunbuy where their knowledge of the area is vital to obtaining the most accurate Census count for 2011.

In April the ABS will begin recruiting approximately 300 collectors across the NT who will be pivotal to the success of the 2011 Census. Other positions of employment will be advertised closer to Census night, for example, working in remote Indigenous communities as members of a Remote Area Mobile Team.

The ABS has been provided accommodation and office space in remote areas by FaHCSIA and NTG to enable Census staff to work within towns and communities. The ABS Census Management Unit appreciates the support given by Commonwealth and Territory agencies.

Further information regarding Census recruitment can be found on the ABS Website.


The Northern Australia Census Management Unit will be entering an exciting phase next month when we launch our Indigenous Recruitment Strategy across the region.

A main launch will be held at the community of Galiwin'ku, the largest community in east Arnhem Land in mid March. We will be inviting Darwin based media and people from the local community to hear about our commitment to the bush. Local events and community meetings organised by District Managers will complement the Galiwin'ku launch, spreading the word about Census in their local region.

Area Supervisors for Indigenous Communities, Community Communicators, Collector Interviewers and many other positions will be promoted at the launch.


The Census | beyond the count conference was very successful, attracting more than 300 attendees from around Australia. The conference, which was held at the Hilton on the Park Hotel in Melbourne from 2 - 4 March, featured speakers from local, state and Commonwealth government, academia, non-government organisations and the private sector. They demonstrated the difference that Census data makes in areas as diverse as health, transport, Indigenous policy, urban planning and the environment.

A highlight of the conference was the range of speakers from the ABS, explaining the new ABS geography standard, socio-economic indexes, changes in ABS population projections and how to make full use of the wealth of ABS Census data.

Representation from the NT in the conference program came from Dr Dean Carson, Head of Population and Tourism Studies at Charles Darwin University, presenting on 'The seven D's of Demography in the NT - Census Insights to Government Strategy'. Participants from the NT found the conference useful and informative. 'Census | beyond the count was a great conference. It was useful to see how different organisations used Census data for planning, decision making and research purposes' said Libby Doney, a participant from the NT Chief Minister's Department. From her experience at the conference Ms Doney also expressed confidence about improvements to the quality of Northern Territory data from the upcoming 2011 Census.

Selected presentations from the conference will be available on the ABS Website.