The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this publication:
'000 | thousand |
$'000 | thousand dollars |
$m | million dollars |
% | per cent |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
AR-DRG | Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups |
ASGC | Australian Standard Geographical Classification |
ATO | Australian Taxation Office |
Bal | Balance |
ct | carat (metric) |
CGC | Community Government Council |
DEWR | Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations |
DVA | Australian Government Department of Veterans Affairs |
ERP | estimated resident population |
FTE | Full-time equivalent |
g | gram |
GL | gigalitres |
ha | hectare |
IA | Incorporated Association |
ICD | International Classification of Diseases |
JPDA | Joint Petroleum Development Area |
km | kilometre |
sq km | square kilometre |
mm | millimetre |
ML | megalitre |
nec | Not elsewhere classified |
nfd | not further defined |
no. | number |
NT | Northern Territory |
S | Shire |
SD | Statistical division |
SLA | Statistical local area |
SPREE | Structure preserving estimation |
SSD | Statistical subdivision |
t | tonne |
temp | Town
temperature |
VET | vocational education and training |