Value added for this industry has been trending upward, although this has been volatile (figure 3.2). The reason for this volatility is mainly due to variations in the weather. The impact of drought is evident for both the value added and gross output series. The drought in 1994-95 affected cropping production across much of eastern and southern Australia. Some parts of Queensland and northern New South Wales experienced difficult conditions in the four years prior to 1994-95 and were already recording low levels of output. In 1994-95, the volume of farm output fell by around 20% (ABS 2006a).
3.2 Agriculture forestry & fishing outputs and inputs (2004-05 = 100)

Eight years later, the 2002-03 drought was regarded as the most widespread since the 1982-83 drought. The volume of output from grain crops fell by over 50%, which considerably lowered total output from the industry. The fall in total volume of farm output from the 2002-03 drought was around 26%, which was greater than the decline during the 1994-95 drought (ABS 2006a).
As Figure 3.2 highlights, these droughts brought about significant declines in gross output and value added in 1994-95 and in 2002-03. However, there was an immediate recovery in output following both periods.