A limited range of unpublished data from this survey is available on request. Data availability will depend on the size of the sampling error for the estimates requested.
Data can be produced for clients as customised reports in a variety of formats. Contact Zaneta Georgievski on 08 9360 5305 for more information.
The survey populations and variables are listed below.
Note that all data is subject to ABS confidentiality provisions, and data considered confidential will be suppressed. In general the more variables which are cross-classified in any one tabulation the more likely it is that some data will be suppressed. The following variables are available from the survey:
Distribution of employees
- Weekly total cash earnings
- Weekly ordinary time cash earnings
- Weekly overtime earnings
- Weekly total hours paid for (non-managerial employees only)
- Weekly ordinary time hours paid for (non-managerial employees only)
- Weekly overtime hours paid for (non-managerial employees only)
Composition of earnings
- Average weekly total cash earnings
- Average weekly ordinary time cash earnings
- Average weekly overtime earnings
Average hourly earnings - non-managerial employees
- Average hourly total cash earnings
- Average hourly ordinary time cash earnings
- Average hourly overtime earnings
Composition of hours paid for - non-managerial employees
- Average weekly total hours paid for
- Average weekly ordinary time hours paid for
- Average weekly overtime hours paid for
States and territories
- States and territories available separately
- Private and public available separately
Level of Government (Public Sector)
Employee status
Managerial status
- Managerial
- Non-managerial
Type of employee
- Permanent
- Fixed term
- Casual
Occupation (ANZSCO First Edition)
- ANZSCO Major group (1-digit codes)
- ANZSCO Sub-major group (2-digit codes)
- ANZSCO Minor group (3-digit codes)
- ANZSCO Unit Group (4-digit codes)
Industry (ANZSIC 2006 classification)
- Division (1-digit codes)
- Subdivision (2-digit codes)
- Group (3-digit codes)
Industry (ANZSIC 1993 classification)
Employer size
- Under 20 employees
- 20 to 49 employees
- 50 to 99 employees
- 100 to 499 employees
- 500 to 999 employees
- 1,000 and over employees
Methods of setting pay
- Award or pay scale only
- Registered collective agreement
- Registered individual agreement
- Unregistered collective agreement
- Unregistered individual arrangement
- Working proprietor of incorporated business