From the July 2009 issue, there will be changes to the ABS trade country classification which will impact on time series spreadsheets. The changes result from the recognition of new countries by the United Nations and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
Three new countries will be added to the time series tables containing all countries: French Southern Territories; Serbia; and Montenegro. The country Serbia and Montenegro will cease. These changes will be backdated to apply from the January 2009 reference month.
New series identifiers in the Time Series Spreadsheets for table 2 and Datacubes for 8 and 9 of International Merchandise Imports, Australia (cat. no. 5439.0) will be made available in the July 2009 issue of this publication.
New series identifiers in the Time Series Spreadsheets for table 14a, 14b, 36 and 37 of International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia (cat. no. 5368.0) will be made available in the July issue of this publication.
Changes will also occur to the ABS trade overseas port, and ABS trade Australian port classifications. There will be no changes to publication or time series tables but data at this level of detail will be available via tailored consultancies.
For further details about the introduction of new ABS country and port classifications refer to the Information paper: Changes to International Trade in Goods Statistics - Countries and Ports, July 2009 (cat. no. 5368.0.55.013) released on 9 July 2009.
There will be no changes made to statistics presented on a Balance of Payments basis or revisions to the total value of goods or services credits and debits due to this change in presentation.