The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this publication:
 |  |
'000 | thousand |
$m | million dollars |
ABN | Australian Business Number |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
ACLC | Australian Culture and Leisure Classifications |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory |
AFC | Australian Film Commission |
ANA | Australian National Accounts |
ANZSIC | Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification |
Aust. | Australia |
BTR | Bureau of Tourism Research |
CMC | Cultural Ministers Council |
CMC SWG | Cultural Ministers Council Statistics Working Group |
DCITA | Australian Government Department of Communication, Information Technology and the Arts |
DEST | Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training |
GDP | gross domestic product |
GSS | General Social Survey |
GST | goods and services tax |
n.e.c. | not elsewhere classified |
n.f.d. | not further defined |
no. | number |
NCCRS | National Centre for Culture and Recreation Statistics |
NSW | New South Wales |
NT | Northern Territory |
PSM | Population Survey Monitor |
Qld | Queensland |
SA | South Australia |
SIS | Service Industry Survey |
Tas. | Tasmania |
TAFE | Technical and Further Education |
Vic. | Victoria |
WA | Western Australia |