5249.0 - Australian National Accounts: Tourism Satellite Account, 2008-09
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 04/06/2010
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'000 thousand
$m million dollars
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification
CPC V2.0 Central Product Classification V2.0
EAS Economic Activity Survey
Eurostat Statistical Office of the European Communities
GDP gross domestic product
GST goods and services tax
IRTS International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics
IVS International Visitor Survey
LFS Labour Force Survey
NVS National Visitor Survey
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
RET Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
SNA08 System of National Accounts 2008 version
TRA Tourism Research Australia
TSA Tourism Satellite Account