There has been a number of changes to the compilation of data on exporters of goods:
- The statistical unit for exporters of goods is now the type of activity unit (TAU), where possible.
- The total number of exporters can be estimated, and is presented in Table 1.1. This total is the number of businesses that have exported goods and/or services.
- Table 6 from previous issues of this publication has not been published. Tables 7 to 9 and 11 have been renumbered to 6 to 9 respectively. Table 10 has not been affected.
- The definition of size of business in Tables 5 and 8 has changed to better align with the definition of business size and fix a previous anomaly. For more detail see the Explanatory Notes, paragraphs 38 to 45.
- The definition of size of business in Tables 5 and 8 has changed to better align with the definition of business size. For more detail see the Explanatory Notes, paragraphs 38 to 45.
- In Table 9 data in the Total Value of Exports columns previously displayed with the text 'Less than $1m' is displayed either as '-' if the value of exports is in the range $0 to $499,999 or '1' if the value of exports is in the range $500,000 to $1,499,999. In the Number of Exporters columns if the number of exporters is in the range 0 to 4 previously it would have been displayed as 'fewer than 5'. These cells are now displayed as 'np'.
Exporters of goods data in Tables 1 to 9, present data on the previous ABN basis and the TAU basis to assist analysis of the impact of changes. Tables 5 and 8 that include business size have been presented showing the impact of the change from ABN to TAU and from the old to new business size definition.
For more details see Changes in this and forthcoming issues in the Explanatory Notes paragraphs 3 to 8.