This information paper presents data from 2000-01 to 2012-13, the latest release of the TSA. The chain volume estimates are considered experimental. Changes to methodology and/or output may be required before they are included in the annual TSA publication. Subject to user requirements and feedback on the experimental chain volume estimates, these estimates are expected to be incorporated into the annual TSA publication, with the 2013-14 issue of this publication expected to be released on 17 December 2014.
These experimental estimates will be subject to revision in the 2013-14 publication release for the TSA in December 2014, due to a change of reference year and also due to forthcoming revisions to source data such as Tourism Research Australian’s National Visitor Survey and International Visitor Survey data which affects the current price estimates.
For further information about the tourism chain volume measures, please email or telephone:
Sean Thompson
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Email: sean.thompson@abs.gov.au
Telephone: (07) 3222 6257
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