A transformation of this scale presents considerable challenges and this is just the start of the journey. We will continue to have our ambidextrous ability tested as we deliver high quality and timely official statistics, while innovating to take advantage of new information opportunities, strengthening our partnerships, and driving high performance.
There is more work to be done in undertaking one of the biggest changes in the ABS’ history and with the ongoing support of our stakeholders, we are confident we can achieve our vision of unleashing the power of statistics for a better Australia.
This Information Paper is the first of a series of papers that will be progressively released throughout the transformation journey. There will be opportunities to influence the direction of our transforming statistics program, as well as to keep up to date on our progress, in the following ways:
- we will have an ongoing focus on transformation and its benefits through our regular engagement with stakeholders
- we will regularly release updates on our transformation progress - by way of further information papers and discussion papers - throughout 2016
- we are very interested in receiving any comments, questions or suggestions around the transformation, through our dedicated transformation email address:
We are excited about our transformation, what this will mean for data providers and users of statistics, and we are looking forward to engaging extensively with our key stakeholders to ensure a successful transformation.