5512.0 - Government Finance Statistics, Australia, 2012-13 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 28/05/2014   
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The GFS net operating balance for All Levels of Government in 2012–13 was –$20,654m for the General Government sector and –$23,724m for the Total Public sector.

GFS net lending/borrowing in 2012–13 was –$38,439m for the General Government sector and –$55,188m for the Total Public sector.

The following table shows 2012–13 GFS operating statement aggregates by sector across the various levels of government.

Operating Results, 2012–13(a)

General Government
Non-financial Public Sector
Total Public Sector

All levels of Government
GFS Revenue
517 132
565 905
580 498
GFS Expenses
537 787
589 254
604 222
GFS Net Operating Balance
–20 654
–23 349
–23 724
Net acquisition of non-financial assets
17 785
31 218
31 464
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-)
–38 439
–54 567
–55 188
Commonwealth Government
GFS Revenue
361 835
369 113
375 829
GFS Expenses
382 966
390 703
397 228
GFS Net Operating Balance
–21 131
–21 590
–21 399
Net acquisition of non-financial assets
2 925
2 863
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-)
–20 457
–24 515
–24 262
State and Local Government
GFS Revenue
238 483
281 948
289 865
GFS Expenses
237 486
282 881
291 364
GFS Net Operating Balance
–1 500
Net acquisition of non-financial assets
16 293
26 133
26 441
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-)
–15 295
–27 065
–27 940
GFS Revenue
24 090
25 277
25 277
GFS Expenses
23 085
24 440
24 440
GFS Net Operating Balance
1 005
Net acquisition of non-financial assets
2 166
2 179
2 179
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-)
–1 161
–1 342
–1 342

(a) The Total Public Sector comprises General Government, Public Non-Financial Corporations and Public Financial Corporations. The sum of individual levels of government or sectors may not agree with the Total Public Sector figures due to transfers between levels of government.
(b) The Multi-jurisdictional sector contains units where jurisdiction is shared between two or more governments, or classification of a unit to a jurisdiction is otherwise unclear. The main types of units currently falling into this category are the public universities.