Average annual growth rate
The average annual growth rate, r, is calculated as a percentage using the formula:
r =
where P0 is the population at the start of the period, Pn is the population at the end of the period and n is the length of the period between Pn and P0 in years.
Average household size
Average household size refers to the number of persons per household in private dwellings.
Balance of state or territory
Within each state and territory, the area not defined as being part of the Greater Capital City Statistical Area is represented by a Balance of state region. These are the same as 'Rest of state' in the GCCSA Structure of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). For more information, please refer to Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 1 - Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical Areas, July 2011 (cat. no. 1270.0.55.001).
Capital city
Refers to the Greater Capital City Statistical Areas of states and territories as defined in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard. For more information, please refer to Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 1 - Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical Areas, July 2011 (cat. no. 1270.0.55.001).
A child is a person of any age who is a natural, adopted, step, foster or nominal son or daughter of a couple or lone parent, usually resident in the same household. A child is also any individual under 15 years, usually resident in the household, who forms a parent-child relationship with another member of the household. This includes otherwise related children under 15 years and unrelated children under 15 years.
In order to be classified as a child, a person can have no identified partner or child of his/her own usually resident in the household. A separate family in the household is formed in instances where a partner or child is present. If a person is aged under 15 years and has a partner/spouse these relationships are not recorded.
Couple family with children
A family based on two persons who are in a registered or de facto marriage, who are usually resident in the same household. The family must include one or more children usually resident in the same household. The family may include any number of other related individuals usually resident in the household.
Couple family without children
A family based on two persons who are in a registered or de facto marriage, who are usually resident in the same household where no children are usually resident in the same household. The family may include any number of other related individuals usually resident in the household.
A dwelling is a building or structure in which people live. Some examples of dwellings are a house, a block of flats, a caravan or tent, prison, humpy or houseboat. For the purposes of Census of Population and Housing, dwellings are classified into private and non-private dwellings. Each of these dwelling types is further divided into occupied and unoccupied dwelling categories.
Estimated resident households
Estimated resident households is a measure of the number of households of the usually resident population. It is based on the Census count of households which is then adjusted for missed households, households of overseas visitors, households of Australian residents where all members were temporarily overseas at the time of the Census and households of Australian residents where all members were not home on Census night and spent Census night in a non-private dwelling in Australia.
Estimated resident population
The official measure of the population of Australia is based on the concept of usual residence. It refers to all people, regardless of nationality or citizenship, who usually live in Australia, with the exception of foreign diplomatic personnel and their families. It includes residents who are overseas for less than 12 months. It excludes overseas visitors who are in Australia for less than 12 months.
Estimates of the Australian resident population are generated quarterly by adding natural increase (the excess of births over deaths) and net overseas migration (NOM) occurring during the period to the population at the beginning of each period. This is known as the cohort component method, and can be represented by the following equation:
Pt+1 = Pt + B - D + NOM, where:
Pt = the estimated resident population at time point t
Pt+1 = the estimated resident population at time point t+1
B = the number of births occurring between t and t+1
D = the number of deaths occurring between t and t+1
NOM = net overseas migration occurring between t and t+1
For state and territory population estimates, an additional term is added to the equation representing the net interstate migration (NIM) occurring between t and t+1, represented by the following equation:
Pt+1 = Pt + B - D + NOM + NIM
A family is defined as two or more persons, one of whom is at least 15 years of age, who are related by blood, marriage (registered or de facto), adoption, step or fostering, and who are usually resident in the same household. The basis of a family is formed by identifying the presence of either a couple relationship, lone parent-child relationship or other blood relationship. Some households will contain more than one family.
Family composition
A classification of families based on the presence, or absence, of a couple relationship, parent-child relationship, or other blood relationship.
Group household
A group household is a household consisting of two or more unrelated people where all persons are aged 15 years or over. There are no reported couple relationships, parent-child relationships or other blood relationships in these households.
A household is a person living alone, or a group of related or unrelated people who usually reside together and make common provision for food or other essentials for living; or a person living in a dwelling who makes provision for his or her own food and other essentials for living, without combining with any other person. Households include group households of unrelated persons, same-sex couple households, single-parent households as well as one-person households.
A household usually resides in a private dwelling (including caravans etc. in caravan parks). Persons usually resident in non-private dwellings, such as hotels, motels, boarding houses, gaols and hospitals, are not included in household estimates.
This definition of a household is consistent with the definition used in the Census.
Household composition
Household composition is used to describe and categorise households on the basis of the number and types of families present.
Imputed records
Imputation is a statistical process for predicting values where no response was provided to a question and a response could not be derived.
Imputed records are derived when a Census collector has identified that a private dwelling was occupied on Census Night but a Census form was not returned or partially completed. In these cases, the number of males and females normally in the dwelling and their key demographic variables may require imputation, while non-demographic variables are set to 'Not stated' or 'Not applicable'.
Life expectancy
Life expectancy refers to the average number of additional years a person of a given age and sex might expect to live if the age-specific death rates of the given period continued throughout his or her lifetime.
Living arrangement
Living arrangement combines the three concepts 'relationship in household', 'family type' and 'household type'. It is used to describe the familial and non-familial relationship type of each person, within each family type, and within each household type.
Lone parent
A person who has no spouse or partner usually resident in the household, but who forms a parent-child relationship with at least one child usually resident in the household. The child may be either dependent or non-dependent.
Lone person
A person aged 15 years or over who usually lives in a dwelling on their own.
Non-private dwelling (NPD)
Non-private dwellings (NPDs) are residential dwellings with accommodation which are not included in the Census of Population and Housing list of private dwelling categories. NPDs are classified according to their function. They include hotels, motels, guest houses, prisons, religious and charitable institutions, military establishments, hospitals and other communal dwellings. Where this type of accommodation includes self-contained units (as provided by hotels, motels, homes for the elderly and guest houses), the units are enumerated as part of the NPD. Complexes such as retirement villages, which have a combination of self-contained units, hostel and/or nursing home accommodation, are enumerated as NPDs.
Occupied private dwelling
An occupied private dwelling is defined as the premises occupied by a household on Census night (see Dwelling and Household).
One-parent family
A family consisting of a lone parent with at least one child (regardless of age) who is also usually resident in the household who has no identified partner or child of his or her own. The family may also include and number of other related individuals.
Other family
Other family is defined as a group of related individuals residing in the same household, who cannot be categorised as belonging to a couple or one parent family. For example, if two brothers are living together and neither is a spouse/partner, a lone parent or a child, then they are classified as an other family. However, if the two brothers share the household with the daughter of one of the brothers and her husband, then both brothers are classified as other related individuals and are attached to the couple family.
Other related individual
An individual who is related to at least one other member of the household, but who does not form an identified couple relationship or parent-child relationship.
A person in a couple relationship with another person usually resident in the same household. The couple relationship may be in either a registered or de facto marriage, and includes same-sex couples.
Private dwelling
A private dwelling (PD) in the Census is defined as a house, flat, part of a house, or even a room; but can also be a house attached to, or rooms above shops or offices; an occupied caravan in a caravan park or boat in a marina, a houseboat, or its own block of land. A caravan situated on a residential allotment is also classed as a PD.
Relationship in household
Describes the familial and non-familial relationship of each person within each family in a given household. The familial relationship within each family is measured with reference to a family reference person chosen for that particular family.
Residents temporarily overseas
Residents temporarily overseas are Australian residents who are overseas for a period of less than 12 months over a 16 month period.
Total fertility rate
The sum of age-specific fertility rates (live births at each age of mother per female population at that age). It represents the number of children a female would bear during her lifetime if she experienced current age-specific fertility rates at each age of her reproductive life.
Unoccupied private dwellings
These are structures built specifically for living purposes which are habitable, but unoccupied on Census night. Vacant houses, holiday homes, huts, cabins (other than seasonal workers' quarters) and houseboats are counted as unoccupied dwellings. Also included are newly completed dwellings not yet occupied, dwellings which are vacant because they are due for demolition or repair, dwellings to let and dwellings where all members of the household were absent on Census night.
Usual residence
Usual residence within Australia refers to that address at which the person has lived or intends to live for a total of six months or more in a given reference year.