The estimates in this release cover the performance of selected industries compiled from the annual Economic Activity Survey (EAS) and are expressed in current prices. Measures of gross value added (GVA) for all industries are available as part of the Australian System of National Accounts, 2016-17 (cat. no. 5204.0). The national accounts estimates include businesses classified to industries not in scope of the Economic Activity Survey. This includes Financial and insurance services, as well as most of the General government sector. For more information on the scope of the EAS, please refer to the Explanatory Notes in this release. For more information on the method used to produce EAS estimates, see the Estimation Methodology Technical Note in this issue.
The estimates in this publication are based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 edition (cat. no. 1292.0).
Estimates of employment are at end June.
The data collected in the Economic Activity Survey (EAS) generally represent the 12 month period ended 30 June. However, where businesses are unable to provide data on this basis, an alternate, or Off-June year accounting period is used. As a result, in some instances estimates may reflect trading conditions occurring outside of the published reference year. This issue particularly affects the Mining industry.
For information about off-June adjusted estimates, see the Off-June Year adjusted estimates Technical Note in this issue.
For current off-June adjusted estimates, see the 'Off-June adjusted estimates' data cube in this issue.
The ABS conducts detailed industry surveys targeting specific industries of interest each year. For the 2016-17 financial year, the ABS undertook surveys into the Administrative and support services (ANZSIC Division N) and the Rental, hiring and real estate services (ANZSIC Division L) industries. Detailed results including a data cube and a feature article for each of these industries are included in this release.
Additional data are released each year for the Mining industry including a separate data cube in this release. Up to 2014-15 this additional information was published separately in Mining Operations, Australia (cat. no. 8415.0), which has been discontinued.
We are currently looking for ways to improve the type and format of information we provide to users, and would welcome any comments and suggestions regarding future releases of Australian Industry. These comments should be sent to, or addressed to the Director, Annual Industry Statistics Business Statistics Centre, Australian Bureau of Statistics, GPO Box 2796, Melbourne, VIC 3001.
For further information about these and related statistics, please contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070, or email The ABS Privacy Policy outlines how the ABS will handle any personal information that you provide to us.