5246.0 - Information Paper: Australian National Accounts: Introduction to Input-Output Multipliers, 1989-90  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 25/04/1995   
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Contains information about the compilation and interpretation of input-output multipliers. Output, income and employment multipliers provide, respectively, a measure of the effects of an exogenous change in final demand on: output of industries in the economy, income earned by households because of new outputs, and employment that is expected to be generated because of new outputs. Import multipliers provide a measure of the effects on usage of imports by all industries of the economy resulting from a change in final demand for the output of a given industry. Includes an order form for multiplier tables available on hardcopy and floppy disk as a special data service.

Note: Also available Special Interest Products on floppy disk (5237.0.15.001) and data-report hardcopy (5237.0.40.001). For further information, please telephone Canberra on 02 6252 6723.

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Issue Details
First Issue: 1989-90
Latest Issue: 1989-90 was released on 26/04/1995

Price: $19.50
24 pp
ISBN: 0 642 20763 1