This table shows the data sources and quadrants of the Australian Labour Account.
Source | ABS cat. no. | Quadrant | Data Item | Data item detail | Publication Status |
Job Vacancies Survey | 6354.0 | Jobs | Job Vacancies | Job vacancies | Published data |
| | | | | |
Internet Vacancy Index (Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business) | N/A | Jobs | Job Vacancies | Job vacancies | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Economic Activity Survey (EAS) | 8155.0 | Jobs | Filled Jobs (Business Sources) | Private sector | Published data |
| | | | | |
Quarterly Business Indicators Survey (QBIS) | 5676.0 | Jobs | Filled Jobs (Business Sources) | Private sector | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Survey of Employment and Earnings (SEE) | 6248.0.55.002 | Jobs | Filled Jobs (Business Sources) | Public sector | Unpublished data for industry |
| | | | | |
Wage and Salary Earners, Australia | 6248.0 | Jobs | Filled Jobs (Business Sources) | Used for backcasting | Published data |
| | | | | |
Quarterly Business Indicators Survey (QBIS) | 5676.0 | Jobs | Adjustments to Filled Jobs (Business Sources) | Industry scope adjustment | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Business Register Unit (ABS) | N/A | Jobs | Adjustments to Filled Jobs (Business Sources) | Industry scope adjustment | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
National Accounts Branch (ABS) | 5206.0 | Jobs | Adjustments to Filled Jobs (Business Sources and Household Sources) | Defence personnel | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), monthly, detailed | 6291.0.55.001 | Jobs | Adjustments to Filled Jobs (Business Sources) | Contributing Family Workers | Published data |
| | | | | |
Child Employment Survey (2006) | 6211.0 | Jobs | Adjustments to Filled Jobs (Business Sources and Household Sources) | Child workers | Published and Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), monthly, detailed | 6291.0.55.001 | Jobs | Filled Jobs (Household Sources) | Base number | Published data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), quarterly | 6291.0.55.003 | Jobs | Filled Jobs (Household Sources) | Industry distribution | Published data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), monthly | 6202.0 | Jobs | Filled Jobs (Household Sources) | Labour Force Survey Main Job | Published data |
| | | | | |
National Accounts Branch (ABS) | 5206.0 | Jobs | Adjustments to Main Job | Defence personnel | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Migration, Australia | 3412.0 | Jobs | Adjustments to Main Job | Non-residents living in Australia employed by Australian companies/business entities : Main job students and Main job non-students | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia | 3401.0 | Jobs | Adjustments to Main Job | Non-residents living in Australia employed by Australian companies/business entities : Main job students and Main job non-students | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Balance of Payments (ABS) | 5302.0 | Jobs | Adjustments to Main Job | Australian residents living in Australia and employed by oversees companies/business entities | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Child Employment Survey (2006) | 6211.0 | Jobs | Adjustments to Main Job | Child workers | Published and Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), monthly | 6202.0 | Jobs | Labour Force Survey Secondary Job | Labour Force Survey Secondary Job | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Migration, Australia | 3412.0 | Jobs | Adjustments to Secondary Job | Non-residents living in Australia employed by Australian companies/business entities - secondary job | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia | 3401.0 | Jobs | Adjustments to Secondary Job | Non-residents living in Australia employed by Australian companies/business entities - secondary job | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Linked Employer Employee Database (LEED) | 6311.0 | Jobs | Secondary jobs | Industry of employment, secondary jobs | Published and Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), monthly | 6202.0 | Persons | Labour Force Survey Employed Persons | Labour Force Survey Employed Persons | Published data |
| | | | | |
National Accounts Branch (ABS) | 5206.0 | Persons | Adjustments to Employed Persons | Defence personnel | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Migration, Australia | 3412.0 | Persons | Adjustments to Employed Persons | Non-residents living in Australia employed by Australian companies/business entities | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia | 3401.0 | Persons | Adjustments to Employed Persons | Non-residents living in Australia employed by Australian companies/business entities | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Balance of Payments (ABS) | 5302.0 | Persons | Adjustments to Employed Persons | Australian residents living in Australia employed by overseas companies/business entities | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Child Employment Survey (2006) | 6211.0 | Persons | Adjustments to Employed Persons | Child Workers | Published and Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), monthly | 6202.0 | Persons | Labour Force Survey Unemployed | Labour Force Survey Unemployed | Published data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), monthly | 6202.0 | Persons | Labour Force Survey Underemployed Persons | Labour Force Survey Underemployed Persons | Published data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), monthly | 6202.0 | Persons | Labour Force Survey Underutilised Persons | Labour Force Survey Underutilised Persons | Published data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), monthly | 6202.0 | Persons | Labour Force Survey Not in the Labour Force | Labour Force Survey Not in the Labour Force | Published data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), monthly | 6202.0 | Volume | Labour Account Hours Actually Worked in All Jobs | Hours actually worked in all jobs | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours (EEH) | 6306.0 | Volume | Labour Account Hours Paid For | Hours paid for | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours (EEH) | 6306.0 | Volume | Labour Account Ordinary Hours | Ordinary hours | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours (EEH) | 6306.0 | Volume | Labour Account Overtime Hours | Overtime hours | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
National Accounts Branch (ABS) | 5206.0 | Volume | Adjustments to hours actually worked in all jobs | Hours actually worked by Defence personnel | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Migration, Australia | 3412.0 | Volume | Adjustments to hours actually worked in all jobs | Hours actually worked by non-residents living in Australia employed in Australia | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia | 3401.0 | Volume | Adjustments to hours actually worked in all jobs | Hours actually worked by non-residents living in Australia employed in Australia | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Child Employment Survey (2006) | 6211.0 | Volume | Adjustments to hours actually worked in all jobs | Hours actually worked by child workers | Published and Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Balance of Payments (ABS) | 5302.0 | Volume | Adjustments to hours actually worked in all jobs | Hours actually worked by Australian residents living in Australia employed by overseas companies/business entities | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), quarterly | 6291.0.00.003 | Volume | Hours Sought by Unemployed | Hours sought by Unemployed | Published and Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Labour Force Survey (LFS), quarterly | 6291.0.00.003 | Volume | Additional Hours Sought by Underemployed | Additional hours sought by Underemployed | Published and Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
National Accounts Branch (ABS) | 5206.0 | Payments | Compensation of Employees | Compensation of Employees | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
National Accounts Branch (ABS) | 5206.0 | Payments | Wages and Salaries | Wages and Salaries | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
National Accounts Branch (ABS) | 5206.0 | Payments | Employers' Social Contributions | Employers' Social Contributions | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Wage and Salary Earners, Australia | 6248.0 | Payments | Compensation of Employees | Used to backcast Compensation of Employees | Published data |
| | | | | |
National Accounts Branch (ABS) | 5206.0 | Payments | Employers' Payroll taxes | Employers' Payroll taxes | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
National Accounts Branch (ABS) | 5204.0 and 5215.0.55.001 | Payments | Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Costs | Published and Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Job Vacancies Survey | 6354.0 | Payments | Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Costs | Published data |
| | | | | |
National Accounts Branch (ABS) | 5204.0 and 5215.0.55.001 | Payments | Training Costs | Training Costs | Published and Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
Quarterly Business Indicator Surveys | 5676.0 | Payments | Training Costs | Training Costs | Published data |
| | | | | |
Government Finance Statistics (GFS) | 6302.0 | Payments | Employment subsidies | Employment subsidies | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |
National Accounts Branch (ABS) | 5204.0 | Payments | Labour income from self-employment | Labour income from self-employment | Unpublished data |
| | | | | |