Job Search Experience (JSE)
The Job Search Experience Survey (JSE) was first conducted in 2002 and is conducted annually in July. The JSE examines the job search experience of unemployed persons, with particular focus on two key aspects - steps taken to find work, and difficulties encountered in finding work. It also provides information about employed persons who started their current job in the previous twelve months, the steps taken to attain work and their current job details. The scope of the survey is persons aged 15 years and over.
The aim of the JSE is to collect data for use in policy formulation in areas such as labour market assistance, and control and review mechanisms for unemployment benefit payments.
The JSE collects data under the broad topics of demographics, education and employment. Data items contained within these topics are capable of being cross classified with Data Items Relevant to Migrants and Ethnicity.
This JSE is conducted as part of the Monthly Population Survey, which comprises the Labour Force Survey and, in most months, a supplementary survey topic. The JSE is a combination of two previous collections - Successful and Unsuccessful Job Search Experience and the Job Search Experience of Unemployed Persons.
- Country of birth
Note: Country of birth is collected as a core data item in the Labour Force Survey. Although individual country of birth is collected, standard outputs for this data item are usually aggregated to one of the following formats:
- Born in Australia
- Born overseas
- Born in main English-speaking countries
- Born in other than main English-speaking countries
- Born in Australia
- Born overseas
- Oceania and Antarctica
- North-West Europe
- Southern and Eastern Europe
- North Africa and the Middle East
- South-East Asia
- North-East Asia
- Southern and Central Asia
- Americas
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Country of birth and period of arrival
- Born in Australia
- Born overseas
- Arrived before 1971
- Arrived 1971-1980
- Arrived 1981-1990
- Arrived 1991-2000
- Arrived 2001 to survey date
- All difficulties in finding work
- Language difficulties
- Difficulties because of ethnic background
- Main difficulty in finding work
- Language difficulties
- Difficulties because of ethnic background
A full list of data items collected for the 2006 Job Search Experience Survey is available in
Job Search Experience, Australia, Jul 2006 (cat. no. 6222.0).
Further details on scope, geographic coverage, data availability and publications, methodology, classifications and concepts are available in
Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods (cat. no. 6102.0.55.001) or visit the
Job Search Experience entry
in the
Directory of Statistical Sources.
Migrant Data Matrices provide a link to summary data on migrants from the
Job Search ExperienceSurvey. The data items included in each datacube are not exhaustive, but rather a selection of the data available. Care must be taken in comparing data from different collections presented in the Matrices due to differences in survey methodology, definitions and reference periods.
Additional data are also available in the publication
Job Search Experience, Australia, Jul 2006 (cat. no. 6222.0).
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the
National Information and Referral Service.
Phone: 1300 135 070
Fax: 1300 135 211
Post: Client Services, ABS, GPO Box 796, Sydney 1041
Email: and you will be contacted within two working days.