The following microdata product is currently available from the Australian Health Survey, Core Content - Risk Factors and Selected Health Conditions 2011-12:
- TableBuilder
- Expanded CURF
Apply online for access to the TableBuilder at
Apply for access to the CURF in MiCRO.
These products provide data for the common topics and combined samples of the National Health Survey and National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey 2011-12, components of the Australian Health Survey (AHS) 2011-12. The focus of this current release is on the Core Content, primarily health risk factors and selected health conditions, as well as data from the National Health Measures Survey, the biomedical component of the AHS. Data item topics include demographic information, tobacco smoking, body mass and physical measurements, blood pressure, adult physical activity, selected dietary indicators, selected health conditions, and data for both chronic disease and nutrient biomarkers. A detailed list of data items for each product is available on the Downloads tab. Users should examine the data item lists prior to purchasing a product to ensure the data they require is available.
For more information about TableBuilder refer to
For more information about CURFs refer to
Approved users can combine information about Australians aged two years and over to enable in-depth studies of the population and associated risk factors. The Australian Health Survey, Core Content file is arranged in a hierarchy, made up of the following five levels:
1. Household
2. Persons in household
3. Person (selected persons)
4. Condition
5. Biomedical