Release date | Catalogue number | Publication title | Contents |
Recent Releases |
31/03/2015 | cat. no. 3218.0 | Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2013-14 | Population estimates for all sub-state regions as at June 2014. |
31/03/2015 | cat. no. 3412.0 | Migration, Australia, 2013-14 | Additional data released: regional internal migration estimates (RIME) based on the Australian Statistical Geography Standard, including SA2s and LGAs. |
01/05/2015 | cat. no. 3401.0.30.001 | Preliminary Estimates of Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, January to March 2015 | Preliminary monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
04/05/2015 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, October 2014 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
13/05/2015 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, November 2014 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
22/05/2015 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, December 2014 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
01/06/2015 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, January 2015 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
12/06/2015 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, February 2015 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
23/06/2015 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, March 2015 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
25/06/2015 | cat. no. 3412.0 | Migration, Australia, 2013-14 | Additional data released: updates to 2014 calendar year |
Upcoming Releases |
02/07/2015 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, April 2015 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
07/07/2015 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, May 2015 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
07/08/2015 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, June 2015 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
18/08/2015 | cat. no. 3235.0 | Population by Age and Sex, Regions of Australia, 2014 | Age/sex population estimates for all sub-state regions as at June 2014. |
04/09/2015 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, July 2015 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
24/09/2015 | cat. no. 3101.0 | Australian Demographic Statistics, Mar qtr. 2015 | Quarterly estimates of total population for states, territories and Australia. Includes births, deaths, infant deaths, and interstate and overseas movement data. |
Other |
various | various | ABS.Stat | An interactive, free online tool that presents demographic data in a searchable, flexible and dynamic way. Currently in 'Beta' stage ( |
(cat. no. 3401.0) have been delayed due to passenger card processing issues as announced by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).
Contingency processing plans for releasing overseas arrivals and departure data are scheduled as indicated in the table above. The regular schedule resumes with the May statistics on 7 July 2015. NOM data in this release is not effected.
(cat. no. 3101.0),
(cat. no. 3412.0),
(cat. no. 3218.0) and
(cat. no. 3235.0) will begin phasing out the release of data in SuperTable format. Data from these products will continue to be available in Excel spreadsheets and in ABS.Stat - an interactive and free online tool that presents data in a searchable, flexible and dynamic way.