Client Liaison
Summary of Events
ESCG and SSCG Meetings
During the June quarter, the ABS held the second series of consultative group meetings with key clients from State Government.
The Economic Statistics Consultative Group met on 22 May and included presentations on the Resources and Agricultural industries in WA. In addition, Amy Gardos from the ABS Statistical Consultancy Unit presented results of the 2006 State Supplementary Survey which were published in ‘Domestic Use of Water and Energy, WA, Oct 2006’ (ABS cat. no. 4652.5).
The Social Statistics Consultative Group met on 29 May and consisted of an interactive session to discuss a selection of themes upon which the WA ABS Social Statistics Unit is considering undertaking research. Themes discussed included changing family structures, mobility patterns of migrants, and population and labour mobility in WA.
Working with the ATO
The Australian Taxation Office recently invited the ABS to do a series of presentations tailored towards owners of small businesses. ABS representative Andy Separovic, supported by Margaret Garner and Bodi Ledwij, delivered information regarding ABS products and services available to small business.
The presentations emphasised how ABS data could be used by small businesses to better understand the demographics of their target markets. In addition to this a demonstration of the ABS website was conducted which highlighted the abundance of useful information that is freely available to the general public.
The presentations were well received and allowed the ABS to effectively communicate the importance of using ABS statistics to assist small businesses in their decision making processes.
Visitors from Vietnam
The ABS has a commitment to strengthening relationships with international statistical agencies.
On Monday 11 June 2007, the WA office of the ABS welcomed a delegation of statisticians from Vietnam. The purpose of their visit was to gain an insight into the role of an ABS regional office and the opportunities and challenges it faces.
The delegates met with Regional Director Michael Tindall and the senior executive group to discuss issues concerning Business Statistics Centres and how they operate in a regional office environment, Client Services and their operations, and an overview of the WA office analytical program.
The visit prompted many questions and discussion from the Vietnamese delegates and provided a basis for future collaborations.