5204.0.55.010 - Information paper: Introduction of Mining Natural Resources into Australia’s Productivity Measures, 2012-13
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 04/07/2014 First Issue
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2008 SNA 2008 System of National Accounts
2012 SEEA 2012 System of Environmental-Economic Accounting
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
AIMR Australia’s Identified Mineral Resources
ASNA Australian System of National Accounts
BREE Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics
COE compensation of employees
COFC consumption of fixed capital
CSM Concepts, Sources and Methods
EDR economically demonstrated resources
GFC global financial crisis
GOS gross operating surplus
IVA industry value added
MFP multi factor productivity
NPV net present value
OGRA Oil and Gas Resources of Australia
RBA Reserve Bank of Australia