Of the federal defendants finalised in all court levels during 2008-09, just over a third (35% or 4,958) appeared in New South Wales, 24% or 3,324 appeared in Victoria and 22% or 3,062 appeared in Queensland.
For defendants in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory, the most prevalent principal offence related to fraud and deception. In Victoria and Western Australia, offences against justice procedures were the most common, while in the Australian Capital Territory, traffic and vehicle regulatory offences were the most predominant.
Victoria had the highest proportion of offences finalised by the courts, (28% or 9,842 offences), followed by Queensland (25%), New South Wales (21%) and Western Australia (11%).
Fraud and deception offences comprised the largest proportion of offences in the Northern Territory (71%), South Australia (60%) and New South Wales (31%). Offences against justice procedures had the highest proportions in Western Australia (54%), Victoria (53%) and Queensland (49%). In the Australian Capital Territory, traffic and vehicle regulatory offences comprised 36% of all federal offences finalised.