2069.0.30.003 - Census of Population and Housing: Time Series Profile DataPack, Australia, 2016  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 12/07/2017  First Issue
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The Time Series Profile (TSP) DataPack compares data from 2006, 2011 and 2016 Censuses (where classifications are comparable). The same topics provided in the Time Series Community Profiles will be provided in DataPacks. If classifications have been revised between each Census, data will be output on the classification used for the 2016 Census. To provide comparability between Censuses, the revised classifications are concorded, and footnotes added to the tables to indicate this. Relevant concordance files will be available from the ABS website.
DataPacks are suitable for experienced Census data users who have their own database or analysis systems. TSP DataPacks contain data for Census geographies from Australia down to Statistical Area Level 2 as well as Local Government Areas.
DataPacks are provided in CSV format and associated Census boundary files are available for loading into geographic information systems and/or client custom built systems.

This product is produced in Electronic Delivery format on a Five Yearly basis.
Issue Details
First Issue: 2016
Latest Issue: 2016

Price on Application