 |  | Main Features
Includes: Total population, Age and sex distribution, Median age, Children (under 15 years of age) , Working age population (aged 15-64 years), People aged 65 years and over, Sex ratio |
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 |  | New South Wales
Includes: Total population, Age and sex distribution, Median age, Children, Working age population, People aged 65 years and over, Sex ratio |
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 |  | Victoria
Includes: Total population, Age and sex distribution, Median age, Children, Working age population, People aged 65 years and over, Sex ratio |
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 |  | Queensland
Includes: Total population, Age and sex distribution, Median age, Children, Working age population, People aged 65 years and over, Sex ratio |
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 |  | South Australia
Includes: Total population, Age and sex distribution, Median age, Children, Working age population, People aged 65 years and over, Sex ratio |
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 |  | Western Australia
Includes: Total population, Age and sex distribution, Median age, Children, Working age population, People aged 65 years and over, Sex ratio |
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 |  | Tasmania
Includes: Total population, Age and sex distribution, Median age, Children, Working age population, People aged 65 years and over, Sex ratio |
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 |  | Northern Territory
Includes: Total population, Age and sex distribution, Median age, Children, Working age population, People aged 65 years and over, Sex ratio |
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 |  | Australian Capital Territory
Includes: Total population, Age and sex distribution, Median age, Children, Working age population, People aged 65 years and over, Sex ratio |
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 |  | ASGS and the availability of sub-state population estimates
Includes: The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), Population estimates under the ASGS |
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