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This publication presents summary results relating to people with disabilities from the 2009 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC). The survey was conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) from April to December 2009. The primary objective of the survey was to collect information about three population groups:
people with disabilities;
older people, that is those aged 60 years and over; and
people who provide assistance to older people and people with disabilities.
A representative sample of 27,600 households and occupants of 1,100 health care establishments completed the survey. Information was obtained in relation to all usual residents of households and a sample of occupants of selected non-private dwellings.
Results from the survey were progressively released in December 2010 and January, March and April 2011 in Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers: Summary of Findings, 2009 (cat. no. 4430.0). This publication further analyses tables in the Summary of Findings relating to disability.
ABS publications draw extensively on information provided freely by individuals, businesses, governments and other organisations. Their continued cooperation is appreciated - without it, the wide range of statistics published by the ABS would not be available. Information received by the ABS is treated in strict confidence as required by the Census and Statistics Act 1905.
The ABS would also like to thank the SDAC Reference Group for their advice in the development of the survey.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.
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