Carbonated wine
Wine which has dissolved carbon dioxide and the carbon dioxide is added artificially to the wine.
Cream, crusted/crusting and solera fortified
This item was known as Sherry previous to the release of September 2011 data. The name change is the result of a change to the Wine Australia Corporation Act 1980.
Domestic sales
All sales of Australian produced wine by winemakers within the scope of the survey whether they be wholesale or retail sales. Excluded are inter-winery sales, bulk sales to other wineries, sales to ships’ stores and the volume of imported wine blended with Australian wine and sold domestically.
Fortified wine
Wine to which grape spirit, brandy or both has been added, thereby adding alcoholic strength and precluding further fermentation. Fortified wine must contain at least 150 millilitres/litre and not more than 200 millilitres/litre of ethanol at 20° Centigrade.
Grape spirit
Spirit obtained from the distillation of wine or by-products of winemaking or the fermented liquor of a mash of dried grapes and contains methanol in a proportion not exceeding 3 grams per litre at 20° Centigrade of the ethanol content.
Grape wine
Refer to paragraph 7 of the Explanatory Notes.
Grape wine product
Refer to paragraph 8 of the Explanatory Notes.
Imports cleared for home consumption
Imported goods brought into the country for consumption or further processing, but excluding goods imported with the reasonable expectation of re-export within a limited time.
Other containers
All other wine packaging except glass containers less than 2 litres and soft packs. Included in this category are glass containers 2 litres or more, cans and bulk wine in tankers or other such containers.
Other wine products
Products such as vermouth, flavoured wine, cocktails, marsala, aperitif and tonic wines. De-alcoholised, low and reduced alcohol wines are also included.
Soft packs
A container type including all collapsible packs whether plastic or of other material.
A product consisting of wine that by complete or partial fermentation of contained sugars has become surcharged with carbon dioxide.
A product consisting of wine that by fermentation contains a trace of carbon dioxide. Spritzig wines contain significantly lower levels of carbon dioxide as compared to sparkling wines.
Table wine
Table wine excludes; fortified, sparkling, brandy and other wine products.
Vintage, ruby and tawny fortified
This item was known as Port previous to the release of September 2011 data. The name change is the result of a change to the Wine Australia Corporation Act 1980.