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04 Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 04.1 Actual rentals for housing Description 14.38 The scope of this component is dwelling rent paid by households to the owners of dwellings. Sources and methods 14.39 These estimates are produced using the same sources as for the estimates of Imputed rentals for housing (see 04.2 below). The benchmark calculation gives a direct measure of the dwelling rent paid by households to the owners of dwellings. A small deduction is made to allow for bad debts. See 04.2 below on Imputed rentals for housing for information about how these estimates are interpolated and extrapolated. Volume estimates 14.40 Chain volume estimates of actual rentals for housing are derived using the relative proportion of the nominal current price values for actual rentals to the sum of actual and imputed rentals for housing. The derived ratio is applied to the aggregate chain volume estimate described in paragraph 14.47 04.2 Imputed rentals for housing Description 14.41 The scope of this component is the imputed value of housing services accruing to owner-occupiers from their occupation of both their principal residence and any additional residence such as a holiday home. Sources and methods 14.42 The Census of Population and Housing is used to benchmark these estimates. The census gives the number of owner-occupied and rented dwellings, and information about rents paid for rented dwellings. The imputed rent for owner-occupied dwellings is calculated by multiplying average rents (adjusted to exclude rents at less than market value) reported in the census for unfurnished privately rented dwellings in various categories (major urban, other urban, rural; cross-classified by structure of dwelling and number of bedrooms) by the number of owner-occupied dwellings in the same categories. Volume estimates 14.46 Chain volume estimates of imputed rentals for housing are derived using the relative proportion of the nominal current price values for imputed rentals to the sum of actual and imputed rentals for housing. The derived ratio is applied to the aggregate chain volume estimate described in paragraph 14.47. 04.1 + 04.2 Actual and imputed rentals for housing Volume estimates 14.47 Annual volume estimates of actual and imputed rentals for housing are derived by extrapolating the current price value in the reference year with volume estimates of the net capital stock of dwellings published in the Australian System of National Accounts (Cat. no. 5204.0). Quarterly estimates of capital stock are derived by interpolating and extrapolating the annual estimates using quarterly volume estimates of private gross fixed capital formation on dwellings and quarterly volume estimates of consumption of fixed capital derived from either the corresponding annual estimates (for interpolations) or the most recent annual estimates (for extrapolations). Initial State allocations are derived by extrapolating the current price estimates in the reference year with estimates of the mean residential population. These initial estimates are then adjusted to ensure they sum to the unchained Australian totals. 04.3 Other services relating to the dwelling Description 14.48 This item includes payments for services such as refuse collection, sewerage services, and water supply including standing charges and excess water charges. Sources and methods 14.49 Total expenditure on rates and excess water is available from Auditors'-General Reports. Households' share of this expenditure is estimated using information provided by public authorities. Volume estimates 14.50 Current price estimates of purchases of services relating to the dwelling are revalued using the relevant component of the CPI. 04.4 Electricity, gas and other fuels Description 14.51 This item encompasses expenditure by households on energy for domestic heating, cooking, and lighting; that is, purchases of reticulated gas, LPG, electricity, heating oil, kerosene, firewood, briquettes, coal and coke. Sources and methods 14.52 Quarterly estimates of household expenditure on gas and associated services are estimated using sales data provided by retail suppliers in each State and unpublished revenue indicators from major State public authorities provided by the ABS Public Finance Section. Quarterly estimates are benchmarked to annual data from the publication Gas Statistics Australia prepared by The Australian Gas Association. Volume estimates 14.55 Current price estimates of purchases of electricity, gas and other fuels are each revalued using the relevant components of the CPI. Total: 04 Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels Volume estimates 14.57 Chain volume estimates of this item are derived by aggregating the elemental volume components of the above.