The Service Industry Surveys collect information from employers in selected cultural industries. Table 5.8 displays the number of employees in these industries. Care must be taken when interpreting these figures as different industries were surveyed in different years.
Of the industries surveyed in 2002-03, the largest employers were Film and video production (16,427 people) and Public libraries (12,471 people). Data from 1999-2000 show that the Video hire and Motion picture exhibition industries also employed large numbers of people, although they predominantly worked part-time or as casuals.
 |  | Year | Full-time | Part-time
and casual | Total |
Film and video production | 2002-03 | 6 785 | 9 531 | (a)16 427 |
Film and video distribution | 1999-00 | 1 059 | 366 | 1 426 |
Motion picture exhibition | 1999-00 | 1 196 | 8 026 | (a)9,282 |
Television services(b) |  |  |  |  |
 | Commercial free-to-air | 2002-03 | na | na | 6 577 |
 | Pay television | 2002-03 | na | na | 2 517 |
Music and theatre productions | 2002-03 | 3 101 | 4 460 | (a)7 842 |
Performing arts venues | 1999-00 | 1 451 | 3 698 | 5 149 |
Other services to the arts |  |  |  |  |
 | Festivals | 2002-03 | 345 | 927 | 1 272 |
Libraries(c) |  |  |  |  |
 | Public libraries | 2003-04 | 5 889 | 6 583 | 12 471 |
 | Archives | 2003-04 | na | na | 811 |
Art and other museums | 2003-04 | 4 291 | 3 252 | (a)7 543 |
Video hire | 1999-00 | 2 026 | 8 267 | (a)11,034 |
Commercial art galleries | 1999-00 | 389 | 586 | 1 409 |
Botanic gardens | 1999-00 | 971 | 279 | 1 250 |
(a) Includes working proprietors and partners. |
(b) Excludes public television broadcasters and community broadcasters. |
(c) Excludes special libraries and libraries located in educational institutions. |
Source: ABS, Service Industries Surveys, various publications, 1999-2000, 2002-03, 2003-04 (cat. nos. 8559.0, 8560.0, 8561.0, 8562.0, 8563.0, 8651.0, 8654.0, 8679.0, 8697.0). |
Many cultural industries are run as commercial operations and are exclusively staffed by paid employees. A few industries, however, rely heavily on the assistance of volunteers. The Service Industries Surveys found that 20,443 volunteers helped in the running of museums during June 2004 which was just under three times the number of people with paid employment in the industry at that time. Similarly, 6,853 people undertook voluntary work for Libraries during June 2004, or about two volunteers for every five people employed.
Some 2,548 people worked as volunteers in Music and theatre productions in June 2003 again giving a ratio of about two volunteers for every five persons employed. The 1,272 paid staff working on 176 performing arts festivals (of 2 days or more duration) during 2002-03 received assistance from 15,728 volunteers.