$ | dollars |
$'000 | thousand dollars |
km˛ | square kilometre |
no. | number |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
AC | Automatic coding |
ACAT | Aged Care Assessment Team |
ACCMIS | Aged Care and Community Care Management Information System |
AIHW | Australian Institute of Health and Welfare |
ANCO | Australian National Classification of Offences |
ANZSIC | Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification |
ASCED | Australian Standard Classification of Education |
ASCL | Australian Standard Classification of Languages |
ASGC | Australian Standard Geographical Classification |
ATO | Australian Taxation Office |
AVO | Apprehended Violence Order |
BAPS | Building Approvals collection |
BOCSAR | Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research |
CAC | computer assisted coding |
CACP | Community Aged Care Package |
CAI | computer assisted interviewing |
CD | Collection District |
COPS | Computerised Operational Policing System |
DEST | Department of Education, Science and Training |
DET | NSW Department of Education and Training |
DoHA | Department of Health and Ageing |
DPC | Data Processing Centre |
DRIVES | Driver and Vehicle System |
ERP | Estimated Resident Population |
FTE | full-time equivalent |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
LFS | Labour Force Survey |
LGA | Local Government Area |
MERLIN | Management of Expenditure and Resident Linked Information System |
MIS | Management Information System |
NSSC | National Schools Statistics Collection |
NSW | New South Wales |
PES | Post-Enumeration Survey |
RSE | relative standard error |
RTA | NSW Roads and Traffic Authority |
SACC | Standard Australian Classification of Countries |
SD | Statistical Division |
SDR | Standardised Death Rate |
SLA | Statistical Local Area |
SPARC | System for the Payment of Residential Aged Care |
SSD | Statistical Subdivision |
SSP | Schools for Specific Purposes |
STA | Survey of Tourist Accommodation |