Countdown: Just Under 1 Week To Go For Release Of Australian Social Trends 2006
In just under 1 week (20 July), the annual analysis of social change in Australia will be released, says the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) speaking of its publication - Australian Social Trends 2006.
Highlights from the publication's analysis of current and emerging trends include:
- People in their 50s: then and now
- Fathers' work and family balance
- Education of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people
- Trends in women's employment
- Distribution of household wealth
- Household expenditure patterns
The complete contents of Australian Social Trends 2006 (cat. no. 4102.0) is listed below.
Australian Social Trends 2006: List of Contents Chapters and Articles
1. Population | 2. Family and community |
People in their 50s: then and now - compares the characteristics of people in their 50s now and twenty years ago.
Young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - examines the circumstances of young Indigenous Australians across a range of life areas.
Australian expatriates in OECD countries - provides an overview of Australian expatriates and compares their characteristics to those of expatriates of other OECD countries.
Pace of ageing: Australian and Japan - compares the ageing of Australia's population with that of Japan, the country with the world's oldest population in 2005. | Fathers' work and family balance - examines the employment patterns of fathers and their use of flexible working arrangements to help care for their children.
Children living apart from one parent - examines living arrangements of children with a parent living elsewhere, the characteristics of non-resident parents and the contact between children and their parent who lives elsewhere.
Social participation of young people - presents information on aspects of the social participation of young people (aged 18–24 years) over a range of areas, e.g. participation in sport and voluntary work.
Community participation of people with a disability - examines the extent to which disability is associated with restrictions in community participation. |
3. Health | 4. Education and training |
Chronic conditions and disability - outlines the types of chronic health conditions associated with disability.
Mortality trends of people aged 50 years and over - examines the life expectancy of people 50 years and over and the reasons behind increases in life expectancy over the past 30 years.
Disability among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - explores the prevalence of disability amongst Indigenous people and the relationship between disability and a number of life areas.
Older people in cared accommodation - profiles the health and disability characteristics of older people in cared accommodation, in comparison with those of older people living at home. | Education of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people - examines the educational performance of Indigenous students and key factors associated with academic performance.
Government and non-government schooling - examines trends in government and non-government student enrolments, funding of schools, and the characteristics of families with children at government and non-government schools.
Boys' schooling - compares the literacy skills of boys and girls as well as educational outcomes beyond the end of compulsory schooling. |
5. Work | 6. Economic resources |
Trends in women's employment - focuses on changes in women's employment patterns over the last 25 years.
Trends in hours worked - examines trends in hours worked over the past two decades.
Labour force participation of migrants - profiles the labour market outcomes of migrants who arrived in Australia over the past two decades. | Distribution of household wealth - examines the distribution of wealth across the life cycle as well as characteristics of low, middle and high wealth households.
Components of household wealth - discusses the types of assets and liabilities accumulated by households with different levels of wealth.
Household expenditure patterns - describes the average expenditure patterns of Australian households.
Household expenditure patterns by lifecycle - explores the different spending patterns of selected households at different stages in the life cycle of couple families. |
7. Housing | 8. Other areas of concern |
Housing for young adult households - examines the changes in housing tenure patterns of young adult households between 1994–95 and 2003–04.
Housing in Sydney – consolidation and spread - examines housing in inner, middle and outer Sydney and the characteristics of people who live in these areas. | Environmental impact of household energy use - examines trends in household energy use and household attitudes to energy conservation and the environment. |
**Each of the chapters also include a set of national and state/territory summary tables which present key social indicators
**The last chapter provides international comparisons in the areas of population, health, education and work. |