23 May 2012
The Disability, Ageing and Carers TableBuilder has been released. Information on how to access this product can be found in the Introduction document on the Summary tab. The TableBuilder dataset contains additional records compared to the previously released Basic CURF, which is described further in the File Structure document on the Summary tab.
Tables produced using theTableBuilder are subject to 'Field Exclusion Rules' to ensure the confidentiality and coherence of data. For more information on these rules and how to use TableBuilder product, please review the Using the TableBuilder document on the Summary tab. In addition, an updated TableBuilder Data Item List is available in the Downloads tab.
28 March 2012
The Disability, Ageing and Carers CURF has been reissued to correct a number of issues identified since its last release and to add a further seven variables not previously released. Specifically:
- HLPNDQ1B data item (now called PCCRELMC). Inconsistent coding of data across two different modules of the survey instrument meant that a small number of persons were categorised to the wrong 'Relationship of primary carer to main recipient of care' category.
- POPPCNOS data item. Errors to this data item occurred as a consequence of the errors in the HLPNDQ1B data item.
- MPRELRXB data item (Recipient level). Inconsistent coding of data across two different modules of the survey instrument meant that a small number of persons were categorised to the wrong 'Relationship of carer to recipient of care' category.
- EMPRCB data item. A number of persons were incorrectly coded to category 8 - Permanently unable to work (i.e. EMPRCBH=8) instead of code 9 - No employment restrictions i.e. EMPRCBI=9).
- EMPREST data item. Errors to this data item occurred as a consequence of the errors in the EMPRCB data item. A number of persons should have been coded to 2 (Does not have employment restriction), rather than 1 (Has employment restriction).
- The additional variables relate to 'Why primary carer took on the caring role' (PCWHY); 'Reason(s) permanently unable to work' (REASCF); 'Relationship in household' (RELHHLDE); 'Frequency of need for assistance with core activities from organised services' (FNASCOS); 'Frequency of need for more informal assistance with activities' (FNASMACT); 'Proficiency in spoken English' (SPNGPROC) and 'Whether provides continuous or episodic care to main non-UR recipient' (PCCONTC).
- The data item lists for both the CURF and TableBuilder have been updated. Further explanation can be seen in the I-Notes attached to the data cubes containing the data item lists.
9 March 2012
This product has been updated to include information about both CURF Microdata and TableBuilder products. This product replaces the
Information Paper: Disability, Ageing and Carers, Basic CURF, Australia, 2009 (cat. no. 4430.0.00.001).
21 December 2011
Two changes have been made to this product. The first is a change to the title of the product to incorporate the Disability, Ageing and Carers TableBuilder. The second is the inclusion of a data item list for the Disability, Ageing and Carers TableBuilder. To view the data item list please click on the Downloads tab on this page.
29 July 2011
The Disability, Ageing and Carers CURF has been reissued to correct a number of matters identified since its initial release on 2 May 2011. Specifically:
- Output from data items on the Recipient Level was initially weighted based on each record's Recipient ID, which led to the weighted number of 'Recipients of care'. This weighting was not conceptually correct and did not align with output from the 2003 SDAC. The Recipient Level has been corrected so that output from these data items is weighted based on the Carer ID to produce the weighted number of 'Carers'.
- PNRECAB and INCROAA data items. A coding error allowed a number of persons to fall under both the 'Other government pension' and 'None of the above' categories for these multi-response income items. The selection of 'Other government pension' has been removed where there was no applicable income.
- NEEDMET data item. A coding error in this item meant that those persons who 'Did not receive any informal or formal assistance' and 'Needed assistance with activities' were categorised as having their need for assistance 'Partly met' rather than 'Not met at all'. Similarly, those who 'Received both informal and formal assistance' but 'Needed more assistance with activities' were categorised as having their need for assistance 'Not met at all' rather than 'Partly met'. The error initially affected Tables 16 and 25 of the data cube titled Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Consolidated set of tables, released in the 2009 issue of Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings, 2009 (cat. no. 4430.0). Further explanation can be seen in the I-note attached to the 2009 issue of 4430.0.
- TRASRSCD, TRAPENCD and TRAOTHCD data items. A coding error in each of these items meant that a person could not be shown to use more than one type of concession card where applicable (e.g. persons holding both a 'Seniors card' and 'Other concession card'). The error initially affected Table 21 of the data cube titled Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Consolidated set of tables, released in the 2009 issue of 4430.0. The coding for these items has been amended to align output with the 2003 SDAC. Further explanation can be seen in the I-note attached to the 2009 issue of 4430.0.
- INCDECPN data items. Coding of person level income deciles in the initial CURF release excluded 'Persons with no source of income'. These persons should have been determined to have an applicable income of zero, to align output with the 2003 SDAC. This error did not affect income decile output for the Family, Household
or Income unit levels.