The data presented in these datacubes has been confidentialised to ensure no individual business can be identified. The confidentialising process applied maximises the availability of data without introducing any notable bias to the estimates.
Users should be aware that the production process involved in producing fine level datacubes requires an intensive confidentialisation process be followed. As part of this process, all cells in the datacubes have been rounded to the closest multiples of three or to zero to protect the identity of individual businesses.
In some cases, this rounding process has resulted in the production of a series of cells for a particular cross-classification (e.g. data by industry by postcode) which are sparsely populated. Users should be aware that due to the confidentialisation process applied, this data is subject to a high level of inaccuracy and should be used with caution. Such data is however considered suitable in terms of providing an overall indication of the scale of business activity within for example, a particular industry and postcode region.
Users should also be aware that in some instances, data may have been omitted for a particular cross-classification. Users are advised that in these instances, the business unit population for the cross-classification in question was zero.