Table 4. Reconciliation of Flows at Basic Prices and at Purchasers' Prices by Product Group
This table shows flows at purchasers' prices reconciled with basic prices. Trade and transport margins, and net taxes on products are added to basic prices to derive purchasers' prices for intermediate and all final use categories and for total supply. Imports are indirectly allocated in this table.
A row in the first quadrant of this table represents a product group. A row in the second quadrant represents either a primary input, Australian production, total uses, gross value added or gross domestic product.
For example, the row representing the product group Other agriculture shows that domestic plus imported Other agriculture valued at $9,722m at basic prices was used by industries intermediately. Net taxes on products and Trade and transport margins associated with this intermediate use were $74m and $3,436m respectively. Therefore, domestic plus imported Other agriculture used intermediately by all the industries was $13,232m valued at purchasers' prices.