In addition to the strategic priorities outlined above, ABS will strive to enhance the efficiency of its operations and enhance productivity.
The Government has commissioned a Functional and Efficiency Review of the ABS. This review, which will be undertaken by Mr David Tune AO PSM, with a report and recommendations due before the end of October, will determine whether the current resourcing and functions of the ABS align with the Government’s forward priorities, taking into account: considerations arising from the ABS Transformation Program; the
Contestability Review of Survey Management Functions; and other relevant reviews; along with the Government’s Statement of Expectations.
Property expenses are a significant component (7%) of the ABS budget. As each office
lease is renewed the ABS will reduce its tenancy footprint by 20%. Moving to activity based working provides an office environment that is more productive and attractive to staff
while being cheaper to operate. The smaller offices provide a range of work spaces where employees can move to the area most suited to their current activity. The Canberra office, which is the ABS’s largest office will move to activity based working in 2017.
The Government announced in the 2016–17 Budget that it would realise efficiencies through the consolidation of common corporate services to a small number of shared service centres. The ABS will work with other agencies in the Treasury portfolio to share
corporate services. As part of this effort, the ABS has entered into a shared arrangement for a Financial Management Information System and this will be implemented in late 2016.
The ABS work program beyond 2016–17 may not be affordable within the existing budget. Equally, evolving priorities will necessitate some freeing up of resources in order to facilitate new, high value, work.
During 2016–17, the ABS will, in consultation with partners and stakeholders:
- look at the frequency of some statistical series such as retail, housing and lending finance, and the number of international trade releases
- examine tier 3 statistics (refer next page) carefully to assess whether continued ABS involvement is warranted. It may be necessary to cease these outputs if user funding cannot be secured.
Further information is available on the ABS website including:
- ABS Organisation chart
- ABS Corporate Plan
- ABS Annual Report